
USPS actually makes a small amount of money on bulk mail because it comes pre-sorted and requires less handling than 1st class. The real profit comes from package delivery & they have large contracts to deliver for UPS and FedEx in addition to their own stuff.

it is called “Informed Visibility” and you can sign up for it online. They email me with photos of the mail sent out for deliver to my house every day. If stuff does not show up it could be identified really quickly as to where the problem was.

The South didn’t actually lose the ACW they simply stopped fighting an armed conflict against the US government. Once those wounds were dressed the majority population went about its merry way either ignoring the situation or content that ‘those people’ were being ‘kept in their place’.

Throw underhand!!

I was a firefighter in the 80s & it was surprising not just that cars catch fire but how frigging often it happens! Given the amount of flammable shit on a car when they go they go really well.

One of my few complaints with President Obama was that he seemed to always do the ethical and best thing assuming it would be returned. Those fuckers OTOH . . .

And you are OK with that?

Hindsight is 20/20. Plus I think BHO actually honestly believes in the basic decency of America and assumed we would be better than we are. Fooled him, didn’t we?

If that is true cycling needs to die a horrible but swift death. Lots of people may have been doping but did they also destroy the lives of people who pointed it out?

Before the election the Obama administration approached Ryan and McConnell about a joint statement on Russian interference. Their reply was not just no but No and if you release your own statement we will scream that it is all political and you are just trying to sway the election.

So, you are OK that he destroyed people who spoke out against his doping? He dragged many to court and spread rumors they were drunks and unreliable. He destroyed their careers but, oh well, his podcast is pretty interesting.

More than “brashly denying” This bastard tried to destroy anyone who even hinted at the truth. He deserves to pay back every one of the people whose livelihoods and in some cases even their lives that he destroyed.

Anything can be too salty if you use too much salt, the trick is in knowing how much is too much.

I have eaten at all of them & there is not a bad one in the bunch but they are all a little different so you might find you prefer on over the others. I rather like the more sandwich-like ones you can eat by hand but DiGido’s are really good too

My dad was good friends with Vic Tedesco, who was a St. Paul city councilman for many years. He told the story of being in Boston and ordering “Dago Red Wine” at an Italian restaurant & getting well chewed out by the waitress.

Jedgar didn’t write a tell all not just because he was dead but he was also deep in the closet & badly compromised by the mafia. But you know, honor, integrity and all that stuff too.

Table salt for cooking, Kosher salt for ‘decorating’ If you want a salty crunch on a dish sprinkle the coarse ground stuff on after you plate it. All those assholes on TV who insist on kosher for anything else are bullshitters.

What intrigues me is for a series like Christie’s Hercule Poirot would she lose control of the character? Am I free to write, “Murder on the City Of New Orleans” with him as my detective? Could the estate (or whomever is controlling) sue because “Murder on the Orient Express” is still under copyright?

Dump can’t pardon State crimes. WHile these clowns might avoid a Federal Rap my guess is New York, New jersey & probably a few other states will be welcoming them to their forever home in a few months

Paper from 1928 . . . so . . . 90 years later you think that matters? You do not deserve the right to vote if you are this stupid