
I’m unconvinced. I have worked around far too many people who pretend they are good at what they do while not knowing spit from shineola. Ignorance and arrogance are not a great combination.

This is the sludge that they had that poor anorexic woman pimping during the Stupor Bowel. I was wondering what that was.

Of course he could have voted against the stupid, deadly tax cut but that would have taken courage and honesty, two traits Ayn Paul lacks. If he really wanted to commit political suicide he could champion a budget that actually cuts the spending enough to counter-balance the thieving tax cut. But that would set the

None. Take any figure skating none seriously at all. Beyond the fact that scoring is subjective the skating community has biases that effectively ensure that people who do not skate the way the community thinks they should they will never be allowed to win a medal no matter how strong their performance or that they

Actually my maternal grandparents were most definitely not racist. My paternal set died before I knew them so no clue. Sorry the problem didn’t end with your grandparents

So, it would offically be the “Low Bridge”?

I am sure curling is difficult, harder than it looks. OTOH you do not need to run endless wind sprints, spend hours lifting and honing your body to a fine tool. Judging by the bodies I see on competitors I think the average guy could at least imagine they could do it in their life time.

25% of my ancestors came here right from Sweden. I have had lutefisk twice in my life. The first time it was cooked by one of my great grandmothers sisters & it was fine. It had only a slightly fish flavor so it was sort of flavorless jello that held melted butter. Not terrible but not something I would choose to

No, they raided a couple of dozen at the same time. The effect was that Chipoltle stopped hiring people who were even marginally ‘sketchy’ and for a undocumented workers (or those with fake docs) to leave. Its the same as the IRS auditing people. You don’t have to audit 100% because the threat is enough to get better

Well, about the same time ICE raided multiple locations and deported a large number of employees. Since then Chipotle has relied on the teen & dropout sector for help. Yeah, service went to hell.

This! Usually the week after the big event Newsweek would fill in a lot of detail, clear up a lot of BS that had been strewn around and clarify what was actually happening. More than Newsweek is in a death spiral.

Here is a list of State-wide offices currently held by Dems:·

The saddest part is he might be the best the Dems can get out of that shithole currently. The entire rest of the State is represented by Republicans. As bad as he is I would hate to lose that seat to a goober & end up with a 49/51 Senate when Dump is finally impeached next year.

SHe is not stupid but she is crazy. She and her “husband” bilk the government out of money every year for their gay ‘cure’. She knows exactly what she is doing. Palin is not crazy but stupid beyond belief. If you compare the two you will see the differences.

Actually God erected a billboard that very clearly stated His desire:

Most unskilled President in nations history? Check. Made promises he had no idea how to keep? Check. Not ready for the job? Check. A lack of leadership? Check. A lack of knowledge? Check. Surrounded by scandals? Check.

He didn’t even actually read the article as he misstates facts, like saying the Gov was from MA when he clearly was not. He need to go back under his bridge with the other trolls.

I hope the money was good, at least 30 pieces of silver for the right to piss all over his legacy.

I love the mix on Lake. The Twin Cities has the largest per capita population of Hmong and the largest population of East African immigrants in the US and they have added greatly to the life of my cities. Yeah, Lake is a bit tattered and run down but it is as lively a place as you can find.

My mothers mothers family came from Sweden in the early 1800s so no immigration problems. But they did talk of a time when there were jobs they were denied is a “Swedes need not apply” sort of situation. That caused them to move from New York to MN which was full of Swedes. Naturally, being white they did not suffer