
Dying amid shame and disavowal by everyone is the least he deserves, and I hope he feels every minute of it. Let the ostracism begin.

I thought Buddhism was the least shitty religion, until I started hearing about radical monks. So I just go by my own personal beliefs, which involve thinking nature is pretty great and one simple rule: don’t be an asshole.

No. I don't even self identify as an atheist anymore because atheism has really morphed into its own religion, trying to force their beliefs on other people. It's too much of a commitment.

Counter Argument:

Wait. You mean Charles Manson, leader of a cult so loyal that they committed murder based on his quite charming and sounds convincing?! Well colour me shocked!

Quite clever? It’s as if they don’t realize the vast majority of psychopaths and sociopaths are highly intelligent, charismatic, and charming! A deranged person screaming nonsense in the street holding dead flowers or something won't attract a cult following like Manson did.

i dont even like consensual semen so good on this lady for not murdering him right then and there

I had a great discussion about this with my college students! You can claim there are white slurs all day long, but they’re not *truly* hurtful the way they are when they’re leveled at a minority. We went through each student and asked him or her to articulate what was most important to their identity.

I would also like to add that I am not defending MTV per se, but I wonder if this show wouldn’t be good for their actual target audience. I know nothing about said show other than this article, but if it actually encourages some self reflection and less whinging, it might actually be a good thing for teenagers to


In some ways lately, MTV has been impressing me. They have some great anti-smoking ads, black lives matter ads, disseminate lots of sex ed information, and the show Finding Carter is EXCELLENT (and deals with teenage issues in an often incredibly realistic, non-shamey way).

Jez not covering the Amy Schumer racist story was ridiculous, I know this is a white feminism site on the whole but come on. Amazing how commentators on here where using he same exact lines men do to defend sexist stand ups.

Also Jezebel you have seemed to have deleted a few comments that called you out for not posting about this, yeah i know i will get banned for this but come on.

Oh yes lets all talk about that recent controversy which has not been mentioned on here until that small mention in this article. What happened is that people called her out for her racist jokes such as, “I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual.”, she dismissed it as having a blind spot on racism and

If Whoopi Goldberg ruins my ability to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation, she will rob me of my last precious memory untarnished by scandal and spared by alcoholism.

I hope Whoopi Goldberg has saved her cash, because she too will be unemployable when her contract expires. She is vile.


And that, my siblings, is rape culture defined.

I know this is good and I am so glad that these women are getting at least some closure, but goddamn if it doesn’t still make me so fucking mad that it had to come to this before that happened.