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What is even more remarkable about him is that before this story emerged he had already received the MBE (Member of the British Empire) for his tireless work for charities for the elderly. He spent his whole life doing good and helping his fellow man, quietly and with no expectation of reward. What a good and great

He who saves one life, saves the world entire. Flights of angels, dear sir.

What is especially amazing about this story is that Winton had no connection to the government and no relevant work experience that should have helped him do this. He wasn’t a diplomat. He didn’t live in Prague. He was just a guy who heard that there was a crisis, took 2 weeks off from work, and rescued 669 people.

What a treasure of a man. To know his story and the stories of the men and women he saved...

Holy fucking shit that was harder than the first ten mins of Up.


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This may not be the best to watch in the office or in public:

Yup. I am in love with any company that would begin an apology with, “holy Fuck!” Appropriate response is appropriate.

“Holy fuck!” is also a great way to let people know it was not intentional

“Shit, we’re sorry, we’re doing everything we can to fix this.” <- Only appropriate response to finding out you’re involved in something racist. Thank you Google.

“I’ll take that in cash.”

White gorillas, always trying to make it about them

Hot Japanese gorilla is sick of google jacking his style

“What about me?”

Not enough Google, you have to give every black person in the world $10 dollars.

I’m not usually one to advocate for litigiousness, but I hope the parents of the children in these pictures Carrey found after googling “autism crying” sue the pants off him.

Seriously, if those are kids with autism, he deserves to lose his last dollar and live under a bridge. “Look at these MONSTROUS NIGHTMARISH ZOMBIES YOU WILL TURN YOUR KIDS INTO!!11!11”

Sounds like someone needs a cleanse!

Ok, so I'm guessing these are supposed to be photos of children with autism. If they were photos of children with Down Syndrome, this would be considered so offensive Jim Carrey would be run off twitter and burned at the stake.

Well, he’s officially in my “Tom Cruise; Sorry because you’re such a lunatic, I can’t watch your movies” category now.