
Fill long sock with rice. Tie off end and throw in the microwave for a minute or so. Drape over neck and shoulders.

I need this. Last week I missed three super important phone calls from my doctor because my phone was on vibrate and I was like ten steps away and my children were screaming. It doesn't matter how quickly you return a doctor's call. Two minutes later, twenty seconds later. I'm convinced that every time a doctor gets

Audio is the best and there are not nearly enough women in it. If you want to learn more on your own there is an amazing site called with learning modules and a fantastic library full of resources. And very inexpensive for access.

I am currently teaching a summer audio production camp for girls ages 10-15 and sometimes I have such a hard time talking about jobs in the industry without sounding really discouraging. It feels terrible to tell them that they are going to have to be twice as good as their male counterparts to even be recognized as

Wait a minute, what's so funny about...oooooh yeah.

The ending was pretty ridiculous. I might give the second one a try. I had a big problem with the characters. I felt like JK had Robin fawning over Cormoran and his detective skills the whole time while she was the one out doing the leg work and making discoveries. It kind of felt like Hermione all over again. Except

I haven't read the second one yet. The first annoyed me so badly I hadn't decided if I should. Is it worth a read?

My Mrs. Speakleton (RIP) loved Peggle.

Right after I gave birth to my first son, I was having a conversation with a really good male friend of mine whose wife had also just given birth. He kept using the phrases "our labor" and "our delivery". I don't think I've ever been more annoyed with anyone in my life.

Thank you for this! So many moms in my social network shared that article. It smacks of manufactured nostalgia from the days when children were seen and not heard.

I'm surprised that no one here has mentioned that you can donate your placenta/cord blood for stem cell research. I did that with my first and will be doing it again in a few months.