
Except that they put no thought into the story. I don't care if its original or not. But it has to make sense. They are trying to be confusing with having 7 or 8 or whatever amount of alien types. But they have no explained why the humans are cooperating with them after being invaded. They can't seem to understand

No worries. They will cancel it because its not any good, so you won't be upset.

The story sucks, and its made to go with a game. Its not even close to decent sci fi.

It made no sense to me. Why did he decide to adopt her? And why do they act like father and daughter? She is one of the people who killed his real daughter. And why does the little bitch act like she belongs here?

Thats the point. It does suck for us, and just showing up and demanding to be let in is an act of war. Not peace. But for some reason the stupid show acts like all humans just decide to act like the aliens had every right to just show up. What if people showed up to your apartment and said they didn't know you lived

And how does that make sense? Honestly they expected humans to say "Sure! Just land anywhere you like and start taking our resources!" Yes, we all know about the artifact. What makes no sense is that humans forgave these assholes and decide to live together with them. Who cares if there are 6 races, 7 or 29. The point

But the premise of this show sucks. Why are the humans feeling guilty for not being nicer to the aliens that tried to invade ( peacefully of course.....sigh) and led to the destruction of their world, which would NOT be destroyed if the aliens just left us alone. No one thinks that this is a bit too much to forgive?


Why would he be a father to that girl at all? I don't even get why he chose to care for her. Her kind killed his real daughter. They didn't come in peace at all. If someone comes in peace then they agree to abide by whatever decision the people who are already established on the planet make. If humans said NO we do

The problem with Defiance is the concept makes no sense. If Aliens are coming to immigrate uninvited they are invading. It makes absolutely no difference if they are coming in "peace" or not unless they agree to leave if they are not accepted.

Defiance makes absolutely NO SENSE. First of all aliens who want to immigrate where they are not invited are NOT coming in peace. Thats invasion no matter what you call it.

I mean facing west if they are in America. In other places its different. But that where I am.

"Away or opposite of the sun" doesn't make much sense anywhere. Unless he meant opposite of the direction the sun's arc relative to the Earth, which is't right either. The sun doesn't move clockwise to the perception of anyone unless they are facing west.