
I did. I found absolutely nothing that connects Trump to child trafficking. Unlike Bill Clinton and Biden’s good friend Jeff Epstein.

No they don’t. Like at all. Epstein and Bill Clinton are friends. There is literally NOTHING that connects Trump to Epstein other then they knew each other, and had each other’s phone numbers. They do not hang out together. Buill Clinton had been on Epstein’t plane many times, and there are many pictures of them

OH, and here is a PROVEN theory. There was a spy( ok informant) in the Trump campaign placed by the FBI who answered to Obama. Which is illegal. It doesn’t matter if they were supposedly spying on Russians. Obama was caught on a hot mike promising Putin military favors. If anyone should have been investigated, it

Epstein has no connection to Trump, other then Epstein had his phone number, and they were aquainted. Epstein is aquainted with most movers and shakers. However, he and Bill Clinton are close friends.

The media think that when they lie about Trump we believe it. They say “Trump disrespects women” but we see more women in positions of trust with Trump then we did under Obama. They say “Trump called all Hispanics criminals” then we learn that he called criminals coming from Mexico criminals. Obamacare. Anti business

Ok, so if a white actor played the Black Panther, it would be OK? Uh, NO. People go nuts anytime they even think a character that was written as black is played by a white actor. But this is different. James Bond is the quintessential icon of masculinity. It would make liberals really happy to take that away from

REmember that INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY THING? So, not a child molester. If you want to see a child molester there is Kevin Spacey, Bill Clinton flying around on Jeff Epstein’s Lollita express. Then of course there is Mr Grope Al Franken, and Matt lauer....what do they have in common? Oh yeah, they are liberals,

I just had to say; The “used more productively” thing is a hoot. I mena lord forbid people just google something to pass the time. Much better they be out ..I don’t know.... protesting something.

Income disparity is not a bad thing. It does not mean thta there is more poverty, just more difference between the havces and have nots. Its usually a sign of a healthy Capitalist economy. One of the things liberals hate about Capitalism is of course FREEDOM. People can pretty much do what they want. Maye you think

Wear it with jeans. That what I do. And a white t shirt, and boots.

I have never heard of PETA spinsoring anything of the sort. Also PETA really focuses on farm animals and fur, but ignores animal habitats, and the real causes of animal extincltion, which is human over population in certain areas, and habitat destruction. So it is hard to take them seriously. Especially when they

It is not privilege of race, but of class. Youre simply saying more white people are middle class. OK, you are right. But you have failed to prove that BLACK privilege exists completely. Class does not equal race. And so the fuck what. Many, many immigrants have come to this country with nothing. No one gave them a

Why am I bothering? Obviously only posts that fit the narrow thinking you find acceptable are printed here. This is not even slightly pro women.

Really? You don’t understand that in most of the Middle east women are not allowed to drive? You don’t understand thta if a woman in Tehran wears her chador too far back, exposing too much hair she could be jailed? You don’t understand that Muslim men are taught to see their attraction to women as the woman’s fault,

And Muslims still suck.

That is complete BS. As a college student I can tell you that we are required to believe exactly as our professor does, or we fail the class. My professor openly asked each and every one of us to raise our hands to show who we were going to vote for, and I know several people who voted for Trump that quite prudently

Um….Short people especially need to keep their rise normal, as low rise jeans make legs look short, and platform shoes are really not the answer. Sorry 2003 called, and it wants its clothing back. Not Gonna Happen.

There is no low rise revival. The fact is that low rise is the trend, and it is over. Vogue can say whatever they like. They have no t been relevant for along, long time. I will never wear low rise agaiin. High rise is how jeans are supposed to be worn. That is how jeans were worn in the 1890s, 1940's 1950's 1960's

Ha. You settled. Now you are justifying.

Funny, seeing she marries a guy that was 6'3".