
I’m a centered minded person, and it’s like there’s no real center anymore. I believe in tolerance. I don’t believe you should force somebody to make you a wedding cake if they don’t want to. The way the far left is, if you don’t agree 100% with what they are saying lately, they start screaming and calling you names

I’m the only one on here who’s not afraid to say, gays constantly comparing their “persecution” to slavery is not cool. I wish she didn’t say that part. You can legally marry your partner. Stop bitching and suing vendors who don’t want to service your wedding ceremony. Some old woman in rural Indiana refusing to make

Well, more like,


Not going to lie, Torch. I see this article pop up, and immediately think, “ can’t be THAT slow of a day in the Jalopnik office that this article is popping up, is it?”

When your joke is identical to the joke used in the first sentence of the article, it becomes unfunny and unoriginal.

It won’t be exactly the same as before, but why not even find out who the other 2 are or at least watch an episode first before deciding if you like it or not?

...and I’ll never watch it again.

That did seem conspicuously absent. Two stories of shitty pols being shitty linked at the bottom, and both (written by Anna) list party affiliation. One other currently on the main page which also mentions party affiliation. All Republicans. This one? Nada. I’m all for pointing out shitty behavior all around. But be

I will defend it. I believe it is a business owners' right to refuse service and to do business as they see fit.

I also hope that a company that engages in the practice of discrimination based on race, religion, etc is not in business very long, but I believe it is market forces and free will that should determine

if you don't want to get fucked in the ass by law enforcement, then you shouldn't break the law.

Why would we want to apply thinking to the comments section? davidlopan has done an admirable thing, selected the words out of the bill to foot stomp, get red faced, etc. Lollercopter-the-ill, what you have done is realized there was a word in there, namely UNREASONABLE, to show that the folks who wrote the bill of

"And then the onus is on the owners of the property to prove in court that it wasn't used for crime, which can be a lengthy and expensive process."

Ok. I just don't understand why they're naming the place after Louis XIII.

The author of this piece does realize that the Prius missed the Bugatti due to Physics, not through any intervention of the car or the driver of the car.

On the flipside, I don't call myself a feminist. I never will. And I do use the term "feminazi". Why? Because I have had strangers scream at me on the street for "setting back to women's movement" by wearing a skirt. Or working as a waitress. Or choosing to be a homemaker.

Umm, no? Obama has been attacked on many fronts, mostly the birther/Commie bullshit, but I don't recall his appearance or fatherhood being fodder for national debate and criticism. I think Sarah Palin is a piece of shit, but even she was attacked for things particular to being a woman.

I think most Presidents have been subjected to a pretty unending stream of petty & downright mean insults by people who disagree with them. Maybe not body related as much but you don't have to look very far to find really, really mean spirited insult hurling at the last 3-4 Presidents.

No, it is not really. These reports are filled out by GM employes (notice the official "old" GM spelling) who are not lawyers or engineers. Their job is to fill out the report. "the ignition turned off when I hit a pothole." and that is it. They are not necessarily qualified to state anything else. It is the job