
It's not like square to milk games and keep on porting them right?..

Why? Why do they keep doing this? Why... :(

I for one don't mind me some boobies, But this is the wrong character to advertise for.

Oh its the devil who made me cry like a girl in to the moon.

Asswipe makoto did deserve that so i'm happy but man, Nice boat desu~

Look it up

Question, is there's such a thing as "Nice boat" on this game? i try to avoid games with thsoe kind of ending, one time you're happy then bam nice boat!

I want it to so bad, ex of mine introduced it to me, don't get me wrong i do play it from time to time, but man Touhou on steam would make everything right.

Look its james lipton

I finished Star Ocean 2 for the playstation 1, then got halfway in Star Ocean 3, But i guess it's just not my game.

I love tales too, Finished Everything except Tales of Rebirth and Legendia.

Namdai may be whoring out Tales of series, but at least it still has its Mothership/escort/spinoff titles churning out every year.

Kind of toys that would soar through the roof in terms of Value this next few years.

Yeah was pretty sweet, Just saw it amazing comeback too.

If ever i go to one of Justin wong's match, i'll just yellout "LETS GO JUSTIN" so he can remember the ultimate internet curse upon him. Muhahahaha

I am not trolling, I tried watching it a couple of times, likely 2-3 times but from what i heard it can be depressing, It's funny because everytime my friend hypes me up for this anime, i'm in that sort of "dark" place, where watching a depressing anime would not help at all.

I've really been interested in watching this show, but something is stopping me, i don't know why same thing happens for Gurren Lagann.

ahhh sweet, I'll just wait for that, Those Comic-con exclusives are gonna be expensive as hell.

That Bass figure looks so sweet, let's see how much they ramp up the price on ebay

I really hope they have a great deal on Civilization 5, God knows i loved playing that game on my cousins house, i never had the chance to buy it, don't know why but here's hoping