
Well if you follow the swtor storyline he kind of became one with the force... Now i hate how EA handled that storyline -_- but yeah i wouldnt mind seeing Revan or at least just a mention i would be happy


Nothing hypes me up more than Exile songs (they have great concerts)

Haha yeah + one of those iconic 90s music love it

Seems like it’s Valkyrie profile esque :D

There are two things that hinders Suikoden V to be a perfect game FOR ME, It’s the loading times, and the god awful sound effects. I want my Suikoden 1/2 Sound effects :(

Good taste, this and Rising Sun are both my “Make me smile” songs

I’m not gonna lie when i was in the states a few years ago, i frequented a gamestop there whenever i purchase and preorder games, I always knew there was a really attractive albeit... Goth chick who worked there, she approached for me a game informer subscription once, i was like “Sure” I knew she was selling stuff so

Fernando Martinez is lovely

Am Filipino living in Philippines, will fap to this i don't care, She is as much as white as Anna williams as Josie Rizal is Filipino.

There's a difference between performance in a musical and Film though, And They can get away with cheesy stuff in the musical if done correctly, Unlike in Film where everyone and their mom is a critic

10/10 love it, there's just something with Meguro-san that does it very well

I dislike her but bad pr is good pr.


Jin the Gender Bender.

I already have saved some JP PSN card for the Tales Cameo Costumes just because god damn i love those, will probably cave in for the Evangelion and Idolm@ster ones.

Anyway someone can make this a 1920x resolution wallpaper? I always loved her artstyle, something with the way she looks gets me.

Hi friend

Apple is a fascist company anyway Glory to Artotszka!

It reeks of Kazuma Kiryu because of the dragon, If only but then again i am happy not living in china so i guess that's so-so