
I think we all know where this sudden weight loss really came from:
Trump: Tell that stupid cow you’re married to she needs to lose weight before we hit the campaign trail.
Pence: Yes, master.

Science teacher at a fundamentalist Christian school?

Notice the shady look on Trump’s face. It looks like he is assessing her ‘assets’ and has found them wanting. Talk about side eye.

Being Mike Pence's "wife"? She has a flair for the absurd.

I'll take anything that keeps that absolute nutter Lara off the airwaves. I mean, I'm proud that a mantis-american has risen to the highest rungs of political society, but she's useless until she beheads and eats Eric.

Omg this thread is amazing! Thank you for posting! I live in the Bible Belt, where Franklin Graham’s charity is based, and there are so many bible thumpers in my community that this tweet is essentially the default attitude around here. I say we just need MOAR shakin’ it!!!

They have a Dorian Grey style painting somewhere. Likely keeps it with Tom Cruises.

I complete understand that singing live, while dancing and performing like this, not to mention the tricky acoustics in a stadium, is too much to ask for. But why pretend to sing live? Just lose the mic. 

I’m older than JLo by a couple years. I feel like everyone complaining that the show wasn’t appropriate must be a lot younger, because when I was very small, you had Goldie Hawn and some other women dancing around in bikinis every week on Laugh In, with slogans written all over their exposed skin, and Dean Martin had

Given how much they were both dancing, I felt like the presence of the dudes gave their lungs a literal breather? I didn’t find it unwelcome.

They always have to throw in a surprise guest, it’s standard fare.

Now playing

It was great, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t even the best Super Bowl performance ever in that stadium. Prince still holds that honor. Performing Purple Rain in the rain? All-time classic.

I really wish the artists selected for halftime could commit to a few songs and complete them, or even do half of them. The montage/mashup format that has been adopted for the past decade or so is very hard for some of us to track. It really hurts my ADHD.

There was so much depth in this performance that I missed due

Then why reading Superbowl things.

Best Super Bowl half time show ever.

Aired on Fox, too, which was just beautiful. 

It’s a zaghareet, a Middle Eastern ululation (Shakira’s half Lebanese). Sometimes the person doing it will hold their hand just above their lips to hide the tongue motion. But that’s how you make the sound.

Loved it! Of course some people will be upset because they shook what their mama gave them and how dare they do that when children were just previously watching grown men in tight pants run around a field and violently hit eachother.