WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! The same Juan Pablo who thought that the woman inviting him for a romp in the ocean SET A BAD EXAMPLE FOR HIS DAUGHTER?!?!?
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! The same Juan Pablo who thought that the woman inviting him for a romp in the ocean SET A BAD EXAMPLE FOR HIS DAUGHTER?!?!?
I'm kind of curious as to whether this is necessarily more common than it used to be? I'm in my twenties, so my friends and I all had the option to send nude photos when we were minors, but I don't know many people who did. It was well known that a boy was likely to show it to other people and it might end up on sites…
I feel like this is what Argo should've been about.
Because the general consensus in the online world seems to be that Jezebel is a beacon of feminism and political writing.
If there were guys in thongs waving their dicks around near some lattes, I'm sure the commentary would have been the same.
"thigh gaps have become this weird fixation" was kind of the joke. Because it's a pointless thing to aspire to.
Why are you comparing this man to Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle, rather than a Johnny Depp or Benicio Del Toro?
There are different kinds of fat, though. If you watch the video, you see an active, vibrant, chubby kid, running around with her thinner siblings. She didn't spend her life laying on the couch eating fudge from a bag. Now she's slim, but has no energy and is infertile and constantly nauseous. Which of those…
Gawd, I'm so tired of people posting about the medical reality of being obese. How many studies have to come out that state weight isn't a definite indicator of health before people stop assuming all overweight/obese people are going to die a horrid, pathetic death. There are a fuck ton of thin people who are going…
Broke the escalator? An escalator can never break; it can only become stairs.
You ever squeeze a pimple and it shoots out so hard that you can hear an audible popping sound and it lands on the mirror? I'm imagining that x 100....
That's how I feel about my boyfriend. I'm actually enjoy this relationship.
If that's how she always talked to me I'd wipe it off on her side of the bed.
id so eat this .