
As a survivor of domestic violence, I am going to voice what may seem really weird to you. I'm glad he kept snapping the pictures.

Even better, convince the Chinese that Python meat increases virility, heals the liver and is great for the gall bladder and the python problem is solved.

I'd actually be relatively interested in that. A challenge where you have to make whatever's in your closet work? That's something I'd be motivated to try.

Maybe Banana Republic will sponsor you? Oh, wait, my bad.

One time I got high and imagined I was a dolphin. I wonder if there's a dolphin out there chewing on a puffer fish and imagining that she's me.

I think it's kind of like the 'polluter pays' mindset. Cheaper/easier to settle with a band no one remembers in the event that they notice than to be proactive about it.

Recently I've started to come around on her, I had the same where I didn't like the actress SJP because I conflated her with her character Carrie Bradshaw. I think she is aging quite gracefully though and I never thought she was ugly or horse like.

I'm bring craft beer of the imperial stout aged bourbon barrels variety. I get first whack at Tina Turner's Proud Mary.

You must be a shitty singer!

I read that as bad poop songs. ... I'll show myself out now.

Is Brown Eyed Girl one of your old standbys?

While helping friends move a buddy of mine grabbed the moving couple's butt plug (having no idea what a butt plug was) and started singing away. She thought we were laughing with her.

Yeah I thought that was the point of feminism. To be equals and have the right to make our own choices whether they be this or that. To not have to compete with each other. I mean there are things I like and that speak to me but it doesn't mean anything it just is. I wrote on a B post that the Janelle Monae album this

THIS. And shouldn't this really be our general attitude to more prominent (particularly female) figures who are doing stuff that is unusual/breaking boundaries/glass ceilings for women? I have lots of problems with, for instance, Lena and her feminism is not my feminism but she's definitely done a fair few feminist

Blah blah blah she's too sexual, showing her butt, blah blah blah. I don't get it either.

I adore this. However, my single-person cookie recipe goes like this:

Too Much...

I am so sick of hearing about this whole thing but I do want to say that from what I have read here and on GT, she's striking a nerve with people and making black women feel better about themselves and their womanhood. So let her do that for cripessake. Let black women celebrate that. God knows we have so many

there's a difference between "judging a woman by her looks" and "recognizing how a woman uses her body and clothing as a venue to express herself." feminism doesn't mean everyone has to wear the same burlap sack.