Ellis and Thatcher Grey?
Cute coats and gloves appear to run in the family. Also, why do Cyrus and James have an XL Twin bed?
Yeah, like Chuy down the way, with the teardrop tattoos. Orale!
This one's pretty good. :)
Am I the only one that thinks Latina and girl is a little redundant?
I totally lost my commenting privileges for sharing this sentiment but a while ago but Jezebel, stop writing about race. I know, as the smartest white girls at our liberal arts colleges, we're used to assuming everyone wants to hear what we have to say. But there are things you know nothing about—just shut up and…
1 - Bend over.
As a Mexican and duly appointed representative of our culture, I would like to say that we collectively do not give a damn about how this woman dresses. The fact that the author has a latino friend seems to give her the impression that she has the authority to be outraged for us. We do not give a damn about this…
"You might have to pay more so executives and owners can continue to make excessive amounts while paying bottom line workers slightly more"
I plan to be carried in by nude cabana boys covered in gold body paint to "Ride of the Valkyries" [I wish].
I do not understand the appeal of Terry Richardson. Even just as a photographer. Dude, learn to control your flash. You don't need it. Turn your ISO up, get a bounce, and act like you can do a better job than a three year old with a disposable camera.
When I was 17 and a high school senior, I had an affair with a teacher. He was in mid 30s and married. Though I would have argued with this heatedly at the time, I was in no position to be pulled into a complicated, emotionally challenging adult relationship. I was book-smart but very naive, lonely, more than a bit…
If he was in a dark place... it was probably because he was developing pictures.
Push ups are only dishonest if you think everyone has a right to know your bust size.
An NSFW would be good here, there are naked lady pictures. I hope the IT guys are happy.