Mental health professionals use an acronym to describe this dude's behavior: DARVO. Deny. Attack. Reverse Victim and Offender. Yeah, because what he just did was textbook DARVO.
Mental health professionals use an acronym to describe this dude's behavior: DARVO. Deny. Attack. Reverse Victim and Offender. Yeah, because what he just did was textbook DARVO.
Alpha hydroxy acid, beta hydroxy acid.
I had hideously oily skin until I stopped treating my skin the way we're taught to handle oily skin. I use a very mild cleanser, I make my own toner with coconut vinegar and spring water. I exfoliate cautiously, with occasional AHAs and slightly more frequent BHAs. I apply facial moisturizer only when my face is damp.…
What about what the children want? Why do his rights trump theirs?
Absolutely. My ex has an MRA attorney and immediately went straight for the Fathers4Justice trump card: "PARENTAL ALIENATION."
AND if the children want it, with the stipulation that there is appropriate and successful reunification therapy. It's incredibly frustrating and damaging when judges force the children to have contact with an abusive parent and the children don't want to. Over and over, it results in a non-abusive parent sanctioned…
Victims' rights in the US are about as minuscule, children have almost no rights (or, rather, their right to have both parents— even when one is an abuser and dangerous— trumps their right to safety and peace of mind), and parental rights trump all.
As a native West Virginian, I can say definitively that you are correct.
Um, no. Goat cheese. It works beautifully with whole garlic cloves. And it's definitely not foundational.
I had a late-term abortion at about the time she claims to have had one. Nope. Absolutely not. It's a grueling, all-consuming three-day procedure that costs in excess of $2,000. Whoever wrote that has definitely never experienced a late-term abortion.
Maybe someone has commented on this already, but awhile back, I read about some folks making cheeses using cultures of human body flora from feet, armpits, nostrils, etc. People were grossed out, sure, but it didn't seem to be nearly on the same level as VADGE YOGURT YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL .
I teach public school, and I'm proud to say that our campus vaccination rate is 100%. Our school nurse follows up on everyone and is fabulous!
When my son (who is four) isn't sure of someone's gender, he refers to them as "the human." He just started doing that on his own. I thought it was pretty awesome.
When I got the police involved, they bungled the whole thing by neglecting to bring the required mental health liaison, the one they agreed in advance would be present. My ex then proceeded to charm the officers until they left me alone with him.
Too true. In my experience, these are the groups who seem LEAST likely to believe the victim when the perpetrator is one of their own. They can't admit that they didn't recognize a predator or that they potentially enabled one. It calls their whole identity into question.
Yes. Absolutely. When I first read this book, I cried. This part described my ex so perfectly, down to the therapy stuff. He loves therapy and the new vocabulary arsenal it gives him to better abuse and control with. When a therapist sees through him (we had three, possibly four, who did), he finds a way to discredit…
This story hits so close to home it makes me deeply uncomfortable to read. My ex is like this, so closely similar that only the small details differ. He, too, is a self-identified radical feminist who disarms women with his story about growing up witnessing (and experiencing) terrible domestic violence at the hands of…
Absolutely. This happens to me.
I did some protesting outside their local center with said friend and several others. Always masked, always parking very far away. Once, after a protest, my friends and I were walking in a roundabout way back to where the vehicles were stashed. Someone walked up to us on the street and said, "Hey, excuse me, but did…