
There are only two robotic solutions to overpopulation: killer robots or sex robots. I say we go with the sex robots.

The red one is a copy of Ultima 7 Part 2.

Orbital’s Halcyon, On & On is in my top five tracks of all time, it’s sheer genius from beginning to end and I never tire of listening to it...and also appears at the end of both Mean Girls and Mortal Kombat.

I think the soundtrack really makes this movie. Without the music, Hackers might be a silly guilty pleasure for me, but toss in that Orbital and Prodigy, and I will unabashedly proclaim my nostalgic love for it. The soundtrack sets the tone perfectly and cements the film firmly into that glorious 90s hacker culture.

Really? Prodigy’s Voodoo People, Orbital’s Halcyon? Those are classics.

Damn, i love Orbital opening credit scene music (Search: Orbital - Halcyon). I still have it in my phone and listen to it.

Yes! I still listen to that soundtrack fairly often.

Don’t forget the awesome sound track - Orbital, Prodigy, Underworld, etc. How many 80’s kids first going into techno music because of this movie? All of us.

My fondest memory of Hackers is having downloaded a decent version of it from IRC in like 1999 and sitting in a crappy Salt Lake City hotel at 3 O’Clock in the morning with a pretty girl I adored watching it.

...if the LSD kicks in at the right time.

McAfee makes Trump look like John Calvin.

He has got to be SERIOUSLY pissed. McAfee just took the nerd vote away from him wholesale.

But a Child Soldier Army is pratically an investment. Today they probably are a Teenager Soldier Army and way more valuable. If he wait just the right time he can cash in an Adult Soldier Army before all their soldiers decide to move back to the parents house.

Christ. We literally have Trevor from GTA5 if he wanted to be Tony Stark trying to run for president. McAfee makes Donald Trump look like Ralph Ellison. I love it.

Definitely Not Miss Piggy

The MH317 passengers are long dead and disposed of. At some point in the not-too-distant future, Putin’s captured 777 will be loaded with a substantial nuclear payload and an electronics package spoofing another 777 aircraft ID, one en route to either New York or DC. Then there’s...some hand-waving, involving downing

Great. Now I will live in fear of retro memes five years from now.

Tales from the New Horizons