
Sad thing is, this little lad might be their token male supervisor.

If a religion of a billion people can't make a tiny sliver of a fraction of those members calm their shit down, then I don't know what to say.

That would be like every single Christian in America refusing to say or do anything to stop the Westboro Baptist Church, and remain silent about them to such a degree that the

Yeah. Let's encourage guys to share their emotions LESS.

Off topic, but this photo made me think of all the times I 'lost' my mom as a child. you know how you would turn around in a grocery store and poof, mom was gone? Once, I walked up to a woman with similar hair and clothing as my mom, and hugged her legs. She shrieked, because she was obviously not my mother and did

So it's the medium that bothers you? WTF? So if he writes a book about it how would it be behind closed doors?

Yes, you can. His sister's failure doesn't erase his own success, or diminish the point that it proves: that such circumstances can be overcome.


Somebody is going to be in trouble when his dad gets out of jail . . . .

This means women really can Have It All!

you're actually incorrect. there are very few strategies that can help people lose weight, but raising their self-esteem is one of the ones that works. it's counterintuitive but absolutely true. a person who loves and cherishes themselves at 300lb can learn to treat their body differently.

Here's the thing though: the science doesn't say that being fat is unhealthy. No credible science ever produced has shown that being fat, in and of itself, is unhealthy until you get to the ridiculously extreme end. And since the extreme end of thin is also unhealthy, this doesn't tell us anything. Underweight BMIs

I'm sorry - did you forget to link to the study that supports your claim?

This should go viral. People should know that fat-shaming is counterproductive.

The death penalty usually ends up costing tax payers more in the long run, though. Tons of appeals and whatnot. As for the part about innocent people being on death row...yeah, true.

I'm also annoyed when people claim to speak for victims, but the victims' lawyers have said that this is what they wanted, and they just wanted to put this part of their lives behind them.

I've said it in a previous article about this case and I'll say it again: It drives me crazy how many legal "experts" in the commentariat here are going for the 'this plea deal/avoiding a trial/avoiding the death penalty isn't just good for society it's good for the victims too! They'd otherwise be retraumatized!!' I

Note to Florida prosecutors: THAT'S how you deal with a criminal.

That is shocking, then. Point receded. I also think of a dinner bell as something that is built into a structure— the hand-held triangle is racially charged I agree.

Am I the only one who's not into Prince Harry? I feel like I see all these comments about how "grounded" and "real" he is compared to "stuffy" Will and Kate, but Harry just seems like such a bro to me. (Also, I still judge him for the Nazi costume thing.)

Even his most rigid supporters are going to have difficulty sustaining their enthusiasm if they keep getting hit in the face with new evidence of Weiner's troubling social media ejaculations.

The underlying assumption here at Jezebel is that we're all working towards a culture where everyone can be secure in their masculinity or femininity or whatever-they-want-ity and feel free to do whatever they want regardless of traditional gender norms. We all know here that patriarchy hurts men, too.