
Repeal the mandate not the product

Comment of the day is a comment questioning the lack of comment in the comment of the day post that is awarding the comment of the day that was questioning the lack of comment in the comment of the day post?

Millennial bullshit participation ribbon!

Everyone wins! Everyone gets a trophy! Thanks for participating!


“It was rare, to say the least, to see a black singer on stage at such a white event”

I never knew I needed that gif so badly.

Anything else is just a clip on bow tie. You, sir, are a gentleman

magnets? suction cups?.... ugh... all these years ive been buying giant ribbons and carefully pulling them under the cars floor to then fold over and painstakingly fold into bows..... noone told me they came pre made... so much time wasted

It’s almost as though China has a past of international espionage of proprietary information....

This bit is just their excuse for not being able to afford to send someone out to Vegas for SEMA.

Well, the other way to transport gas or oil is by train, which has had no issues, whatsoever. /s

Sounds more like we need more pipelines. Having 100 million drivers rely on a single point of failure for fuel delivery seems like a major issue.

No, no, no...you’re missing the point. No matter how good things are, especially in the best country in the world, the left will always drag everything down to race, gender, orientation, etc., then they will show how one particular group or another is not getting treated fairly. Except for whites; they’re privileged

The international brotherhood of the cab lobby thanks you for your shit story.

Buying a home is like buying a camping tent: take whatever capacity it says on the label and subtract one to get reality.

So? It’s THEIR money, they can spend it (for now at least) how they see fit!

Here’s the problem with the homeless situation:

Part of this has to be because one-bedroom apartments are typically built in cities, land in cities is a valuable commodity and far more expensive, while land in suburbia, where people want 3-car garages, is much more available and less expensive.

For the life of me, I can’t fathom why anyone would want to live in the

Jeep Grand Wagoneer test mule.