
Wow. Collective action to dodge responsibility. Scary. And as to the title of this piece, "yikes" is all I can say right now. Get some perspective.

Perhaps counseling students BEFORE they go into debt would be in order. Here's a novel idea, how about school counselors actually look at a student's potential before telling them that "college is the only way they can make something of yourself..."

Chrysler Made This: K-Car

The Prowler actually had some styling potential, and had they ever managed to bring some guts and a few more models of excessive retro design under one badge, it could have been a significant thing. In the end its a sad endcap to a dead brand."

My favorite canopied car, the 1988 Plymouth Slingshot concept.

I just looked at the post again and it's actually painted silver. Silver? Beige? What's the difference?

Granted, the automaker appears to have spent a ton of money on incentives so maybe this shouldn't be a surprise.

Is it possible to not have NSFW language in the headlines? I like this site and most of the content while an expletive or two in the body of text is no big deal, An expletive on in bold text on the main page is a little excessive.

American vines do not make terrible wine. You shall malign my muscadine wines at your peril, goodsir!

He's wrong because he doesn't get to decide. Period.

I see a LOT of Viper in that body.

shouldn't it be in-law suffix?

You missed a good pun opportunity. Should've said "what is the porpoise?"

Steering-less automated cars like GOOGLE's. Going at low speed with no other way to control the vehicle by yourself when something happens is dangerous....going at freeway speed with 100's of cars that are NOT automated is just leaving it to the hands of GOD that you will make it each and every trip without a systems

I'm sorry Tom I'm afraid I can't do that.

I fear that autonomous vehicles will be made mandatory to be on the road and that we will no longer be able to drive free.