
Bonus fact: Lambo is the originator of Movember!

once removed from their institutional beginnings the meaning evolves

How on earth does Magnus Walker make the list and not Jerry Seinfeld!!?? The hype about this guy lately is SO overrated. I mean, Walker is cool and all, I get it…the dreadlocks, the beard, yada yada...but his collection is completely lame compared to Seinfeld. He wants to own every 911 between '64 and '73…..how

FICTION can stay. RELIGION needs to go.

an estimation is still just an estimation and even then we still don't know what it was actually like. We can look back at history for some help such as the Mediviel Warm Period but even then trying to make hard predictions on future climate is never going to work.

How can you make a judgement on the climate when your records only go back 119 years?

When taking a high school auto shop course, it doesn't really matter what you're working on to learn most of the concepts they're teaching. Now what would get you more interested in taking the course in the first place? Knowing you get to work on a half-disassembled 20 year old Corolla carcass, or on a Viper?

Because he can't actually do science fiction. His work is complete shit, and yet people still pay for him to make films.

No sparkles here:

58 years in Congress?
That is disgusting.

Good riddance, but it's a shame that such a long "career" exists. We need term limits.

I wonder if they were grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat

Global warming?


Just going to leave this here

It's not the gay families that bug me. I do not agree with the lifestyle, but I do not go around shouting anti-gay comments. Who am I to think I am better? I have lived a far from perfect life. But, I don't like being reminded all the times about the amazing accomplishments of this person "being the first gay person

So all this time, Ford and MOPAR fan boys were right?

Walter White made it cool.

Is it sad that one of my favorite parts of this show is when they have recaps with bad ass classic rock songs?

The Dodge Viper.