
The spice must flow

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Newhart was a great show that went out at the peak of its popularity because Bob knew not to run it into the ground. It also ended with a scene so meta, it blew people's minds and set the standard for such things. That kind of self-referential wackiness is commonplace now, but in the 80's, we had never really seen

One guy doesn't a whole civilization make. Given that he wasn't built to eat the diet that was common around him, I wonder if he was from somewhere else but died there. Archaeologists are discovering more and more evidence that our ancestors traveled earlier than we thought for purposes of trade. (Like there was

The 4400, Jericho, Heroes, The Riches and Firefly all were murdered before their time. Breaking Bad, Prison Break, The Sheild, Sleeper Cell and Seinfeld ended at the perfect time. 24 and Lost outstayed their welcome. My 2 cents..

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Oh, and another Gilliam. WARNING: Time Bandits spoilers.

I don't understand all the hate here. It's not a bad looking interior, is certainly light years over the current 200, and I think it's a better look than the 300 which has way too much plastic.

Like it or not, instant classic.

" Center for American Progress, a non-partisan think tank"

Check out the back. Can't see the fuel tank. So... that's somethin'!!

I thought that question was for the worst concept. That thing is so 80's retro-future awesome. I would absolutely roll a 6 wheeled Lumina. I think that the next big custom trend will be a modernized 80's vibe.

Since everyone is going to pick Aztec, I pick Plymouth Voyager 3 concept.

lover's quarrel? What else would drive someone to cut their nose off to spite their face. Look how hard the attacking driver misses the other car and hits the wall at 2:25, only to back up and continue the demolition derby. I'm sure they woke up the next day with some bruises, and I'm guessing a good hangover.

How has this not been mentioned yet?

You and your fellow tourists delayed the Australian vessel from it's real mission, which was dropping off real researchers and their attendant equipment to conduct real research.

From this 100hp turd ...

The difference between a regular Omni and an Omni GLH is that I would actually drive the latter without a bag over my head.

I honestly dont know, but im speculating pipelines installation and upkeep is less expensive than buying and maintaining solar panel arrays,

This could very well be true for Minnesota, but energy production policy shouldn't be the same across the entire US. I'm betting natural gas is still more cost effective in places like Texas or Louisiana.