
He touched the top of the net.

Welp, roll back. Only 2 Jalpas and 2 Espadas.

Well, at least 3, maybe the green one as well.

If I had the cash, I would buy the Countach over the Aventador any day of the week and 10x on Sunday.

There’s are a white, a red, a black, and maybe a green ones sitting behind that blue thingy.

We grouped all years of all models by brand to compute their average cost by brand. In order to estimate annual maintenance costs, we found the amount spent on every two oil changes (as oil changes are generally done every six months).

I guess they’ll standardize on which pedestrians to run over.

Looking at it again, the rider might have busted the Mustangs side view mirror and the glow is actually the white paint showing through where the glass was.

Right before the Mustang swerved in the motorcycle, the rider points his hand into the window of the Mustang. It might look like he had a weapon based on the movement of his hand, basically, from his waist to the window.

So, the girlfriend called the boyfriend and he chased down the Mustang to harass him?

So, did the motorcycle douche call his friends in to tape the thing? How did that second car get around the filming car so quickly?

That would be the correct reading.

I would actually read the Jezebel article of what happened for the comments.


If you don’t think of cruises as nightmare terror ships full of old people

The Mao (70 [total]+ vs 40+[starvation alone] million) and Stalin (30+ [gulags, purges] vs 20+ million) deaths seem a bit low. With Stalin, the gulags are included in the WWII count, but shouldn’t be, since it was Stalin’s doing and not an enemies.

He then stopped his vehicle abruptly, causing the buggy to strike the back of the Dodge. No one was seriously hurt.

I’m sure this has never happened in automotive history. It has always been a clean fair game for anyone to join.

They were getting ready to sell Lamborghini, since Lee retired in 1992 and Lamborghini purchase was his idea. Stupid Bob Eaton!