
Cyborg implants

Yeah, the 500k they sell each year is still a large portion of the minivan market and nothing to sneeze at.

Got the bonus points twice. Filled up with .80 per gallon discount in both cars. But, didn’t break the $1.o0 barrier.

Article is wrong.

Screen name should be “Queen of Denial”, good grief.

Or, they can lock in their bike on a roller and save money on the stationary bikes.

The hidden message.

$20k - 25k doesn’t seem like very much

Does it come with a hooker?

South America is also an America.

Not that I would get it, but it does say on the label Tequila infused with cinnamon. So, they can buy it from Tequila land and assemble it in the USA and it would be “Made in America”. But, technically, Central America is also an America.

Why don’t we just let the private sector handle this.

Well, except those back wheels would put Power Wheel wheels to shame.

Yup, “for the wife”.

There are competing arguments everywhere, even in that forum. The only problem with the bumper height argument is that not all Countach cars had them. And you can see custom wings on the 25th Anniversary (which had US spec bumper option) and other version that have the ugly 5 mph bumpers on them, so they wouldn’t need


So, you had a particular reason to carry a gun. Because you have some irrational fear that someone in the middle of the country was going to shoot you, even though the majority of murders by guns happen in places like Chicago and New York City.

If you have an issue that requires an epi-pen, why wouldn’t you always carry one? Sounds irresponsible as an individual with a life threatening illness.

Of course, if you read the FactCheck, they follow the statement you posted by the realization that guns don’t have to be reported in survey polls. In other words, just because a poll says less people have guns, it doesn’t mean that overall less people have guns. What it means is, of the people who were called and

1 ) The overall gun violence rate has gone down as the more people are owning guns