
I am wondering if everyone knows that QNX is the most used OS for infotainment systems in cars.


The wife is currently mad that the ‘check engine’ light keeps going off on our current 2013 model (bought new in 2014). I’m afraid the new one will have come to late to make it on the shopping list. I hoped it would have arrived before the 2nd child did.

New model from the ground up.

Yup, I’ve seen the video.

Isn’t that more towards availability? They were hand-built and didn’t easily pass U.S. safety and emission laws. When Chrysler bought them and fixed their factory, the result was the Anniversary edition, which was more available. However, the 5000 QV sold more than the Anniversary edition. By that time, the Diablo was

Plymouth Truck , then they chopped Plymouth.

For the chauffeur....obviously you will never be allowed in the club.

Especially when they figured out it was cheaper and easier just to build a bunch of man-made islands all over the place.

Their anti-carrier sub missiles are what they are really working on.

With a top speed of 63 mph, unless you fell off a cliff at that speed, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be dead immediately after a crash in Silver Ghost. I’m sure that you probably never even top 20 mph to run over some beggar kid on the street.

Ha ha... New York City people are morons.

More than just that. The expect most of the population to be eliminated in some world wide disaster. These are instructions for AFTER that event happens.

Watch Star Wars : A New Hope

Because the company that built both fighters told the Empire that the TIE was a better fighter and told the Alliance that the X-Wing was a better fighter. Since they owned both subsidiary building companies for the competing factions, it didn’t matter to them how many ships were destroyed on each side, as long as

Or lack there of

“I’m providing rights to this sketch free of charge to JJ Abrams and his team, just in case they want to do the right thing and replace all their TIE fighters with ones that look like these for the new movie.”

Did Tata take JLR design out of England?

You should attach the video

They have to find something. This is Jalopnik and it is a Chrysler.