
You keep pointing out that the government is spending more than it takes in. Do you believe that if they took in more taxes they would stop over spending? Or that they would be more accountable?

Point of order. The Chrysler ME-412 was not a concept car, it was a prototype. They built at least 3 of them before the Germans crapped their pants, got all pissy and told their American "equals" that there was no way that they were going to build a faster, better looking car for less money and in half the time as

Yeah...airing down the tires isn't going to do much for the Jeep in that situation.

I wonder what the hurdles are for an independent custom car builder to build concepts that never make it past the show tour.

Ze Germans.

People who can't drive in the "snow" in the south are actually northern transplants. True southerners don't go out while it snowing. They wait until it stops so they can make money pulling northern transplants out of ditches.

But, she's trading in her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron.

The film was all about him getting some money in order to import the Countaches that were being off loaded at the beginning of the movie

You missed the opening sequence to Rain Man?

They could benefit from the Android ecosystem and the software's ability to be reskinned to suit different brands and aesthetics.

Working Wide?

Bold choice ad campaign strikes again.

Funny thing is, if he wrote the "sucks" satire review, there would still be a lot of butt hurt from the Gawker crowd. In my statement, sucks == why would you spend so much money on something so crappy that it can't connect to BT? Hope that clarifies things.

More of a velocity vs accuracy problem. You need to be NEAR to the point of contact for NFC readers, which is why the other toll pay methods win out.

My issue is, why hasn't he asked about the other phones?

If the previous models could and the new one couldn't, I would stop buying that brand. And if I was some car blog guy and BT connection was important to me, I would write an article on how badly that new phone sucked.

How much does Apple pay you to post this?

Yes. Yes. Why settle for just regular American luxury, when you can have a higher level of style.

But increasing the number of available loans, that apparently don't have to be paid back, is the reason colleges raised their prices at 4x inflation. This effort won't fix college costs, only make things worse for future students. Students who increasingly should ask if the degree they seek is even worth getting.

How is the Charger smaller than the Challenger?