
I was going to post this. Wasn't that part of the "Bad Drivers" answer of the day.

Well... you could.... um.... you....um..... No. No, I can't.

So, did they put down that new portion of concrete just for burning out?

How do you enjoy a car living in an urban area?

1977 LP400

A little nit picky are we?

Well, it only took them 15 years to replace the Jalpa with the Gallardo. So, it would seem that the Gallardo still has about 5 years left. /s

The original Countach wasn't very busy.

Maybe you should have pointed out the SCCA races won by Neons to the non-believers.

What? Sorry, I really didn't notice the car.

So, good driver. Not necessarily a responsible driver.

Don't drive angry.

Top Secret for the win!

I guess Jalopnik doesn't cover 24 Hours of LeMons anymore.

Apparently it is "Deceiving Article Day" today. The Morning Shift had a false account of what happened on the ship sinking.

The copper. It sort of makes it look like a bad photoshop.

But the butt tail is smaller. Give a little. Add a little.

No, that is just your eyes bulging and causing the picture to distort.

#6 Shisha is the type of "tobacco" smoked in a Hookah. The Porsche designers can't even label their product correctly.

Or figure out a different route. It looks like there are plenty of side streets that she could take instead of taking the main road.