
Hydrogen and Oxygen coming together in a fuel cell produces water after the reaction.

My mortgage payment got as low as $640 a month before it went up to $680 this year. You can't even rent a 2 bedroom apartment for that little around here. Rule of thumb is that you should only buy a house 3x yearly gross. I have no idea how I could afford that much house. 2x gross is probably more reasonable, but

Apparently people believed they could afford a house 10x their yearly income for some crazy reason. Probably the same reason people believe the government can do anything (besides waste a bunch of money) efficiently.

Water would be the exhaust product.

Once again I am reminded as to how much my jobs sucks.

There's a bunch of homeowners underwater or recently foreclosed on that apparently didn't come to that simple, yet obvious conclusion.

Okay, but whatever happens, we've gotta give Lisa a shot. I don't wanna hurt her feelings. Maybe the girls are lookin' for a long, lean bone job from me. Ready to party now?

Nice Price! I think this will be a nice replacement for the "The Krystal Ship", since it is currently beyond repair. The sky roof will come in handy for much needed ventilation.

There are probably a 1,000 people doing something right now that didn't kill anyone. Are you going to find them and report them?

Have you ever driven after having 1 more than the legal limit, made it home and not caused any damage? Then you should go turn yourself in for not being caught. Same goes for red light runners and those who cheat on their tests.

Do you get a DUI if you make it home and don't get stopped?

The father was steering dumb-ass. Most grown men are stronger than a two year old. Maybe not you, but most.

I'm more worried about the drunken illegal drivers than toddlers behind the wheel, because there are more reports of them actually killing other people.

Remember when Henry Ford thought it was a good idea to build cars cheap enough that the Average Joe could afford them? He even paid higher than the going wage so he could keep better workers. Ah good times.

Stupid nanny state country. What do they think, the kid's going to call all Son of Satan and yank the wheel into an oncoming car?

Well, actually, since the "Recovery" it has gone down. Maybe Dear Leader should have not kept The Ben Bernake at the helm of the Federal Reserve. Since it is the Federal Reserve that is printing the money that is causing the inflation.

Careful, she might get gonorrhea from that tractor.

Hawaii knows a little about what an EMP can do. They experienced the after effects of a high level nuclear test.

I've got twin boys about half way done baking. The wife was hoping for a shopping buddy. At most, she'll get one that turns a shopping cart into a downhill racer.

If it has a sun roof and your friend is a steady hand with a rifle, then any old car will do.