

Mr LoganC

Not sure if it applies here, but: (HP*5252)/rpm = Torque

Mercedes' new "Climate Tunnel" paint! Changes with the weather! Only an extra arm plus freight.

Zed Ex

That's some place. In the picture of the back of the GNX, you can see the front of a Gulf GT40.

If you head to their website and check out the specifications sheet, it states the MSRP is $275,000 for the base model AR-1

2007 Super Snaked Cobra. That thing would spin forever!

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: But if your bike gets stolen, you'll have to walk home anyway....at least this way you'll still have a bike to get in the morning!

@hardeho: I also did the calculation but using force equations and converting back into mph and got 47.9mph. (Also assuming the car came to a stop using just breaks, no impact from curb)

Kinda like the paint ball guy shooting him from the other clip, but drifting around someone chasing him with a golf club?

Hmm, wonder how long it would take the 360?? Media Center works pretty good, and that is a part of Vista, so I'm gonna guess pretty good. Oh Microsoft, the true definition of a Love/Hate relationship.

I think my best is around 6-7 seconds. You need under 10 to get the gold achievement. Too bad there wasn't sprint!

Some Jake Shimabukuro. Most of his stuff is pretty good.