Liz Weinbl

Student tickets at SNM Boston were like $9. Sigh! The good old days.

Aww, it reminds me of Governor's Island when it first opened, before Bloomberg turned it into a well-maintained playground. There were incredible photographs of the abandoned bowling alleys and Burger Kings...

@Shell_Kracker: Oh wow, someone give this man a thesis adviser, stat.

Oh I am so glad Europe 2003 made the list. Now I feel like less of a pansy for absolutely dying in Rome that summer.

My goyim gave me flack for giving them a brochure for a prayerbook, but if it's good enough for Obama...

I meant to write something about Lyrical Ballad in Saratoga Springs, but didn't find the time. But it's bigger on the inside.

OH GOD WHAT IS THAT THING?! Kill it with fire! Kill it with fire and broken shards of non-HD dvds! #science

@Charlie Jane Anders: I mean, I believe you and your researchy skills. :) I'm just very surprised. Maybe some obscure pulp-y fear-mongering 50s futuristic spy novel. And, that sounds like a fine tag line, so maybe I should write it.

Also, I was sort of already under the impression that Joburg and Pretoria were the same city, except Pretoria was where the white people lived. But... my impression of the area came from the HIGHLY questionable source of my Afrikaaner host family...

I find it weird and unlikely that there no examples of Moscow/St. Petersburg mega-cities.

Now playing

This drives me crazy. People complaining about Cookie Monster's healthy habits need to try actually watching a recent episode, or at least give the Sesame team the benefit of the doubt.

How this will actually go: