
Call me a hopeless romantic, but allow me to paraphrase Ri-Ri and suggest that maybe, just're finding love in a hopeless place?

i really love this.

Head pain #1: Julian Edelman's cranium, because he was pretty definitely concussed at some point during the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl.

Sometimes it helps to look at the same type of scenario with a non-sexual action:

Julian Edelman: "Hey, Pete! Wanna run the train on her?

"Just fucked Lynch AND Seattle no lie"—Pete Carroll's icebreaker

This shit is really wrong. Like, revenge porn wrong. Intimate pictures of ANYONE should not be shared without their consent.

Just Jello Pudding Pop with thing and the thing with that in there and the putting...

That beard is just fine.

*swipes right*

Just fucked literally everyone at the Oscars, no lie.

Looks like he's out cold. Did she even think to put him through concussion protocol?

Why are people so determined to believe that medical science is a big fat conspiracy while naturopaths and nutritionists selling pills are bound to be on your side?

This personal exemption clause BS needs to stop. Unless someone can't get a vaccine for health reasons, NO EXEMPTIONS!

My aunt died at age 7 in the 60s from a disease that is now almost gone thanks to the TDaP. I know my grandparents and her siblings would give their right arm to have today's vaccine to prevent her death.

im so upset right now

My twins are on the autism spectrum. They are verbal and high functioning so they don't have a lot of the "bad" traits people associate with autism. Still, I get so pissed when people say they don't want vaccines because "Autism!" because they rather risk their kids dying painful deaths then have kids like mine.

I have to say (as someone on the autism spectrum).

Anti-vaxxers make me absolutely BONKERS. I just cannot handle these types of people! And sorry, but your tenacious desire to maintain your delusions is not so sacrosanct that you should be allowed to put others at risk.

Fuck all of this. It's time for school districts to put on their big folks pants, stop kowtowking to anti-science nutbars and eliminate personal belief exemptions. Your stupid, ignorant-ass beliefs should not be imposed on your children and endangering others. If we can force Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian