
I wish I had something insightful to contribute but when Mr. bubbles asked me to marry him my answer was, "Pick the date, the time, and the place and I'll buy the dress and I'll be there." That was the extent of my wedding planning.

Bangs? like in a new haircut? asking for a friend.

My android phone won't run google play (it's htc market). Any ideas for that?

Yeah I had a friend who preferred that her child be misdiagnosed (and medicated!) with ADD rather than properly diagnose with Asperger's (becuase she didn't want to deal with the "stigma" of a child with autism). Blew. My. Mind.

details please! (and pics)

no that just means he's not a BBC :)

I think Caucasian might generally hint at his penis size.

or what if you totally hit it off, had sex, and got married.

charm the pants off Jon Stewart you say?

if they had to impose some sort of discipline, why didn't they just wrap the cane in the pool noodle

aren't you supposed to mount the horse from the right side? he was probably freaked because she mounted him wrong.

well I was horny until I started reading this

There must be some powerful acid in her vagina.

and yet the Princeton mom gets CNN coverage. go figure.

I think I'm in love

this reminds me. I need to put some of my Christmas shit on Craigslist

One thing I do use every day is my silverware (some plated, some sterling). I received it as a wedding gift and it made no sense to save it for special occasions, so I use it every day. It makes my Target dishes look so classy :)

one day I'll find one of these. boyfriend, that is.

well I hope hope her taste in men doesn't mirror her taste in Christmas shit

I would serve my snowman cake like a Calvin and Hobbes creation