
seriously. my vodka sodas have been served with lemon. who does that????

if you take a scallop, wrap it in bacon, bake it, squirt lemon on it. perfect. so, scallops.

it doesn't appear that he was feeling as comfortable with you as you were with him

this is easy!

let's just wrap a screenplay around that. needs another plot twist and maybe a tragedy and we're good!

this is why I never. ever. date in the office. ever.

I know and SpongeBob has been on tv for maybe 15 or 16 yrs! my kids grew up with these shows!

I never send them but I'm on the receiving end a lot. guys just love sending the dick pics!

plus I think on Monday you're giving it a rest from whatever went on during the weekend. You don't want to be too anxious to sext someone on Monday after a weekend together. So give you it a rest. Then resume on Tuesday.

my daughter's school required parental permission for her to participate in abstinence only sex ed. I refused. Instead she was given library time during the abstinence only class where she was given a book to read that informed her that she would be considered a slut by her peers, and that her parents would be

it's really warm in here all of a sudden. down right hot actually.

I'm in the same boat. I've recently re-entered the dating world (post divorce) and look much younger than my true age. I use my fake (younger) age quite often since I'm casually dating and not looking for a serious relationship. Plus I'm tired of people remarking that I can't possibly be "that old" when I tell them

yes! I ride on a bike path frequented by Canada geese and my biggest fear is getting attacked by one of these. They are mean!

I see ads like this on CL all the time. Mostly for poker games where guys are needing naked women to serve drinks and such.

where is this magical place. I want to submit a (more than likely farbricated) resume.

conversely, a pill that makes guys shoot blanks and when he and his woman want to make a baby he takes a different pill to shoot bullets. I'm all for that.

what is that on her head? a bump up? a halloween wig? maybe she used the Donald's stylist.

I was super horny when I was pregnant with #2. and this craving wanting to watch porn as well. bizarre.

or the obvious - Royalty. He must be assuming from her profile that she is, at minimum, a Duchess.

what the hell?