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Kudos to Bruno Mars for slipping in the In Living Color reference - got a good chuckle.. He's not a killer of grammar, folks. Still want no parts of ketchup chips...

I thought Ramona Singer was cosplaying Patsy from AbFab.

I feel like Dirt Bags need more Hari Kondabolu now that he's been quoted in here.

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You know, in 1968 Jose Feliciano sang the national anthem at the World Series. His folksy interpretation is one of the more beautiful I've heard. But the crowd at the time booed him for daring to sing it and some even broke out in acts of violence at the stadium. As a result his career sort of tanked, and today he's

NO NO NO. This category without at leastNick Offerman from Parks and Rec is a SHAM. The only person in that category whose win would not enrage me at this point, is Bill Hader. Adam Driver and the Modern Family actors don't belong in the same category with Nick Offerman, let alone deserve to be in a category where

Wow, Chris Brown is gonna be hella disappointed when he finds out beating cancer isn't what he thinks it is.

I know of a few men who are currently not working because they don't want to work for someone else and they won't take jobs beneath them.

I believe his argument is that if Zimmerman were black, it would have been a black on black crime, nobody would have gotten all uppity about the racial angle, and the prosecution wouldn't have bothered charging him with anything.

Re: Chris Brown

Next thing you know WaPo will be running an article on rising health costs related to college women's ever loosening vaginas. "Sales of purses plummet as college-educated women start storing things in their ruined vaginas"

Question: If there is such a thing now as "ambitious sluts", wouldn't that mean that there are lazy, can't-be-bothered, "whatever sluts"? Because I think I might be one. And I'm a guy. Please help.

I would LOVE that. "So you've left the Big Brother house, NOT winning any money, and also lost your job due to the fact that you are a despicable virulent racist. How's that feel?"

You know what's the most fucked up & heartbreaking part of this whole clip? Howard telling Candice just to stand with him and be the bigger person. It is ALWAYS Black people who have to be the bigger people and that fucking sucks, because if Candice would have defended herself in ANY other way in the face of that kind

"Lesbians make the best sandwiches."

CBS must be thrilled. I can't be the only person who found out that Big Brother is still on the air through this controversy. I'm sure that the ratings have skyrocketed.

The food is awful.

My favorite way to enjoy fashion is to look at the way real women (and men!) on the streets of Manhattan interpret it. I have no use for the magazines, and reject them. But I LOVE seeing what people DO with the clothing available on the market and how they dress their bodies.