
I have to give a lot of credit to single moms who can raise a child in a happy nurturing home because the dynamic of two people (be they dad & dad, mom & mom, whateva.) usually makes it significantly easier to effectively parent a child. It's disappointing that some folks don't respect the desire for that familial

Right on! I can't tell if this guy is coming from a perspective of "The Womenz should gather and care for the Kinder whilst I Hunt" of if he's under the impression that guy has more important shit to do like play Baseball and she should just get a nanny. Either way it's insulting to the very notion of family entirely

Or how about feeling sympathy for women who undergo non-elective surgery because they feel intense societal pressure to conform to a certain aesthetic standard.
Because that there is something that all women are forced to endure and some people fall victim to it in tragic ways. Misguided? Yes, incredibly so. But what's

Kirsten Stewart always looks like she's holding in a fart, got it.

I wish you were on the tram the day my ass was groped by an old perv when I was 17. When I told the driver as I was getting off he suggested that I "Sit closer to the front next time."

Usually how shit like this plays out is we'll find him but not his victim and her family will never receive answers. I really hope it's not the case this time.

If the system can't even be bothered to adequately look for an adorable black child what hope do I have as a poor black woman if for some reason I happen to just disappear or am the victim of foul play? The way law enforcement responds to missing persons reports is ridiculous. They see things like mental illness and

Nah dude I don't think you know how incest works. Between a parent and child there exists a certain power dynamic. All our lives we are told to mind our parents and trust that they have our best interests in mind at all times.
Now add that kind of dynamic, plus financial incentives and connections from said parent and

No dude, BYU is totally ass backwards when it comes to dealing with assault and sexual "transgressions."
A girl I worked with was expelled from BYU Idaho for "moral misconduct" because she did sexy times with another student. She dumped him, he got pissed and reported her to the school and got off completely scot free.

I think there are just certain situations and people that make it difficult to maintain monogamy in a serious relationship. Like I have no problem being monogomous but I understand how my partners in the past have had trouble being monogomous with me. My weight is always fluctuating as well as my varying degrees of

Anybody else kinda lose all respect for her after that whole DUI "DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" debacle?

There was that episode of Twlight Zone where an airplane literally flew back into time.

The term exploit is far reaching in terms of an accurate setting on a television show. Now like, enlisting locals to be extras and not paying decent wage? Exploitation. Same thing with featuring locales and hometown spots without the owner's consent.
But just because you portray a locale as it actually is and it's

Not to mention what most men consider to be the "vagina" is actually the labia. The canal and the dam ain't the same thing boys.

No but I've punted a cat and that's probably just as ghastly of an offense is swatting a baby to most folks.

I really wish I had maintained my virginity until I was as mature and confident with my decision as you are. I've had this constant disconnect between myself and my body and maybe waiting until I actually found someone who was worth a damn would have changed that. I saw everyone else around me treating sex like it was

Oh cool, a cat has more comprehensive mental health care than me...

Before we start spouting three cheers for Chrissy whateva the fuck her name is: let us not forget that she's equally as oblivious as the Crayons Bro.

In a world that made any sense, people would be demanding his head for being such a blatant racist.
And god damn how stupid does he think we are? "I'm gonna go out and find myself some unprotected sex because Beyonce sure does talk about it a ton and that new music video! It's so sexy. I could be sexy too if only I had

Now playing

As a millenial, my only knowledge of the 80's consists of Bacon Boy's contribution to punch dancing.