
the day I finally decided to get serious, research, and then invest in a Lelo was possibly one of the biggest turning points in my sleeping patterns. I travel a lot, and hotels suck. I have a whole ritual if I'm there more than one night, including putting all my stuff away, but Lelo is the best sleep aid ever. I got

Dear Right Wing Religious Nuts:


amen. We have one, a very active 3 year old. Our next door neighbor has 2, one a month older than our son and a one year old. They are pretty damn miserable, even though they adore their kids. Our life is pretty great-because we can trade back and forth. Everyone on our street has at least two kids, and after

I'm so fucking confused right now. I mean...Santa on a Mountain Bike s...blasphemous? Are these people who deny Santa exists?

amen. MrBuckeye has shut his mother down more than once, and it is just such a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Yea, I just lost quite a bit of time on that site.

I just had a moment of blind rage on your behalf. Stranger on the internet or not, that's the kind of bullshit no one should endure. Thank goodness your doc had some sense.

I'm so glad you asked. I don't think I've ever asked to suck a dick, although "stumbling" into them organically made me laugh. You tripped and landed on his erect penis? What are the odds? :)

It's insane everywhere. I'm outside Charleston, SC, which is gorgeous, but should be considerably cheaper than NYC, right? We pay 15K a year for MiniTarheelBuckeye to hang out with his friends every day. It's not 24k, but when you compare it to other cost of living concerns (cost/ sq. ft of living space, average

Ok, this is atrocious. To be clear, not her escape from an exploitative and abusive situation, but the prosecution of this trapped child, given to a man more than twice her age and expected to sleep with him. Fuck that motherfucker, fuck the system, and fuck whoever was supposed to be looking out for her.

I almost burned my risotto when I saw this article. Confession: I loooove their stuff. I wear a lot of their ankle pants and tunics for work. Call me grandma, I do not GAF!

Apparently my marriage is only valid in public since my rings are the first things I take off and the last things I put on before I leave. I don't like anything confining when I am at my VOWS. :)

I still have "Cowboy in Me" mixed in with all my rap. I think it's the chorus....

So here's what drives me nuts. Being asked to share the airspace is not "marginalizing." It's taking a part of the cookie you shouldn't have had in in the first place. It's "right-sizing" if you will. White, conservative, Christians have dominated the entire conversation in this country, and the world, for hundreds

I would only add, CASH shirt is preferred, if it gives the appearance of clean

Charleston Bro

When I see the redhead today, I'm squeezing him until he demands to be set free to terrorize the cat and play trains.

Clearly you're not a woman. I've had my ass grabbed, breast grabbed, men leer and make invites since I was 12 years old. I'm 32 years old, and that shit STILL happens if I'm not wearing my bitch face. That's 20 years of harassment. It's not a compliment to leer at a 14/15/16 year old girl traveling alone, or to make

Amen. I am nosy as hell and fairly obnoxious, and I have no problem jumping into situations that look sketch. I'd rather be embarrassed now that read about it later, you know?