
That's good, because the Whitenicious ads make her look like an embalmed corpse! What boggles the mind is that, presumably, this is an effective ad and doesn't make women run screaming in the opposite direction.

I was wondering the same thing. My only experience with being large and experiencing rapid weight loss was when I was pregnant (gained 50-ish-lb and lost 60lb, not intentionally, before going back up to my pre-pregnancy weight). So I have saggy skin on my stomach. And everyone I've ever seen who has lost a similar

Yeah my own gross anecdote pales into comparison, but I once had a tiny little bump/bite on my forearm that got infected. While waiting for antibiotics to cure it (they didn't) it grew into a huge boil/abcess. I was in so much pain (and actually becoming ill from the infection) that I was at the point where I was

Lindsay got way too much sympathy too, especially from Jezebel, IMO. The biggest reason why she was allowed to get away with as much as she did was because she is white and rich.

Recent evidence shows impairment in driving ability at *every* level of blood alcohol concentration, even as low as 0.01. So stop trying to justify the actions some rich, entitled, drugged-up, drunk little d-bag who is both breaking laws and putting other peoples' lives at risk. Really.

Actually it's true, however it's much more difficult to photograph people with dark skin next to people with white skin than it is to photograph people with dark skin on their own (/photographer dad and black husband and in-laws- plenty of second-hand knowledge and experience!). And... I just don't think they did a

Ooh I almost agreed with you after seeing the first pic... and then I saw that orange and purple monstrosity. It looks like something I'd wear at home (I'm 7 months pregnant, look 9 months pregnant, and am currently living in a sarong whenever circumstances allow!).

I want to know why Gabourey Sidibe's dress got a compliment. That shade is either awful, or looks awful on her.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Lazy, lazy Ralph Lauren. And it's so unexciting compared to so many of the things she has worn previously. Lupita is too good for that dress; it should be on the rack at Nordstrom.

So you model the correct behaviour, as any good parent does for positive social behaviour and language. Enforcing social kisses is not necessary for your child's health and wellbeing, and it's possibly detrimental to their safety. I completely disagree with your take on this.

No wonder she looks so glum!

I was thinking she looks like she just threw up and is now having to hoik her boobs back into her dress. Surely that wasn't the best picture they got of her?

He looks a lot like Heath Ledger! That smile!

I sure as hell didn't look that amazing when breastfeeding (and I did it for ages). But anything that helps give breastfeeding a positive image and helps normalise it is GREAT in my book (speaking from my background as a public health nutritionist).

See, I think most people who say this are consciously trying really hard to overcome some innate racist tendencies that they recognise within themselves. But maybe, alternatively, they are just expressing themselves really poorly.

Your mom sounds like mine (and her small-town Australia relatives) when I brought my boyfriend (now husband) home for the first time. There were some huge, ignorant-racist clangers... completely unintentional, but oh my goodness. The best time was when my sister-in-law came to visit and she is not afraid to ruthlessly

I was asked the other day if I'd had people question me as to whether my (distinctly brown- I am white) son is adopted. I had to think about it, and in the early days there were a couple of times... but when I recalled them, I remember thinking at the time that the people asking presented as being distinctly mentally

I find evangelical anything a turn-off. I'm a huge advocate of people knowing what they are eating, and how it is sourced. Most people want their food raised in good conditions, and without cruelty it it's an animal. Industry tries its best to hide these facts from people, because the way most animal products are

I'm amazed at how many (presumbably American) commenters seem unperturbed by these pictures... Is this what a lot of people are used to eating?

If your food is all one colour, you're doing it wrong. A professional food photographer couldn't make that crap look good.