
A GP friend of mine told me that the super handsome OBGYN she was a patient of throughout her pregnancy actually had women avoid going to him because he was so good looking and women she had spoken to didn't want to be labouring/messy/undignified in front of Dr Hottie.

Modern sewage systems are hands down the best invention of all time. And thanks for the great article- I'm going to show it to my 4yo so I'm not stuck for an answer next time he asks me how this all works!

I'm sure it's a nice suit. But it looks terrible with his skin colour- or possibly the grey tie brings everything down and makes him look so sallow. I mean, I have a thing for tall, dark men and yet I can see Prince Harry looking pretty dapper in the thumbnail next to this story and rocking the tan suit.... So it may

My son is 4. He was a bald baby and had a decent 'fro by 1yo. He had dreadlocks until he was maybe 2 and a half, and he looked good in them. It saved us the hard work and tears of combing. Now, he sports a big head of curls (3c, I think, so not as curly as Blue). He is pretty vain about them because everyone tells him

Oh I remember Bluebeard. I inherited a really old collection of volumes of fairy tales as a kid. The first few volumes were fairly expected, but around volume 5 or so they started getting really freaky. I never even started the final volumes (and I was a kid who basically read the entire library... I even used to read

In my experience, yes. Church weddings are awful, but the actual Christian weddings I've been to (where they aren't just going through the motions so they will be allowed to take nice wedding photos in a cathedral) have been excruciating. Nothing to do with intolerance, they just sucked.

My cousin is religious, and married a man whose Christian religious beliefs are so extreme we equate him to the Taliban, basically. That said, he's probably quite mainstream compared with the average US right wing Christian nutbag. Anyway, they got married in her church (most awful wedding I've ever been to- the

They probably dislike mixed parents-to-be more than anything; their babies tend to be all sorts of unpredictable colours.

This argument, to me, smacks of the argument I've seen used by 'concerned citizens' against gay couples having children. Namely, that everybody else's bigotry makes life hard for the child, so anyone in a same-sex relationship who wants to bring a child into tat hardship must be a bad, selfish person. No.

This. I don't believe for a second that either of them did.

The stirrups usage in American hospitals really puzzles me. The baby doesn't come out faster, it's more likely to get stuck when the woman is in that position. I guess it gives the doc a good view while everything is going wrong. No wonder everyone is talking about episiotomies... Yeow!

It's apparently very common in 41+ week babies. That said, my daughter was almost 42w and didn't... But she pooed on me about 30 seconds after they handed her over, so it was a near thing!

No, their right to life is not a feminist issue. Apparently they should be grateful that Israel is fighting to destroy Hamas and therefore bring them sexual liberation, if I'm reading some of these comments right.

Yeah except Palestinian females murdered so far number in the hundreds. And there has been not a single Israeli female victim. Oh do please come out swinging and find me an instance where an Israeli woman has in fact died and how that justifies the slaughter of hundreds of Palestinian women and children, please do...

Ours was all done by 2, but I don't know a single other person whose 2yo is out of nappies (diapers).

How happy I am not to be a statistic. My second baby (4 year gap) turned out to be the most easygoing child ever. She may not be a superbaby like my little boy, but her lovely laid-back nature means that I get to keep my job working full time from home. And to be honest, seeing her interact with her doting big brother

I'm not even a Rihanna fan. Consistently blown away by how beautiful her face is, yes, but her music leaves me cold. I really don't like the fact that just about all popular female singers have to get their kit off in order to get noticed. BUT... in spite of dressing like this, she never comes across as trying too

I've noticed a trend (I'm currently practice manager for a health-related business with mostly paediatric patients) in parents opting straight out for 'Jake', and not bothering with the whole full name/nickname thing.

My husband and I, still students when we married, were given a $400 gift voucher to a designer furniture shop (about 10 friends clubbed together to buy it). We admired a small 2-seater couch- some sort of firm, moulded foam with an interesting shape, covered in blue and yellow fabric. Looked like something two

Painful AND carries a risk of severe complications and death. Small risk, sure, but most of us can understand someone valuing their health over a Shape-worthy bikini body.