
She looked awful. But that was because of those horrid, tacky heels, not her cellulite.


I'm the same age. Besides not wanting to break my husband's heart by deciding I'm 'too old' for cut-offs, I'm inspired by a dour but very stylish-looking 70-something local lady who I call 'Leather Granny'. She has a uniform of perfectly-fitted leather pants (before they became fashionable), a grey beehive hairdo and

Your mother is awesome.

Not sure if any Aussies have mentioned this yet, but there's a franchise here called Hire-a-Hubby. And because I'm (stereotypically) useless with DIY fixing things, I regularly threaten to call them if my husband doesn't do the job. Is the Hire-a-Hubby name/function an inappropriate recycling of sexist tropes? I

Yeah those same people also decided that it's not okay to publish pictures of women's labia at any time in non R-rated publications, even for the purposes of education, because labia are obscene. What's more, I don't believe there has ever been a referendum on public nudity in Australia, meaning no-one (aside from

See, I don't give this kind of view any more credence than someone who objects to women wearing strappy tops or short-shorts because it's offensive for *other people* not to be covered up to the exact degree that a particular individual's sensibilities require. 'Offensive' is something very subjective.

That made me LOL. That guy has never had a woman in his bed! Ditto the 'hairy beast' comments- the only women they have ever encountered have probably been in mainstream porn playing on their computer screens.

And those recent immigrants (and foreign students at Australian universities) tend to come from cultures where women would be less likely to pose for these types of pictures. It's a self-selecting sample! More acculturated immigrants (Greeks, Italians, some asian-Australians) who have been here longer, tend to have

It's the labia. Australian censorship laws require these to be airbrushed out- the most that can be shown pretty much resembles barbie or (disturbingly) a little girl. And you wouldn't be allowed to display it on a cover that was for sale. Even educational articles in magazines and books are forced to use diagrams.


"ALL of our energy, collectively, no matter what our size, should be directed at the system that makes us hate ourselves for profit."

This is the best part of this whole (really good) article. It applies to so, so many aspects of every woman's life, every life stage from puberty onwards. Zits? They can sell you

Barring the first 3 days or so (after pushing out a 12lb baby) where I could barely walk, I was amazed how much better I felt, despite having gone through labour and childbirth. But that's because I had a really horrible pregnancy where I was just about crippled by hip problems for months on end.

That said, I was a bit

Doesn't work for everyone. I wish it did- I would just start to bleed after a month-6 weeks and it wouldn't stop unless I stopped taking the pill and just let the damn thing happen. And Implanon was worse. I was hoping to have the 'no period' side effect, but instead got continuous bleeding and painful ovarian cysts.

The. Worst. I am sure we were reassured (lied to!) at some point that acne would go away once we weren't teenagers any more, otherwise why would it have been such a surprise to still be getting it into our twenties and thirties? The only time I haven't had breakouts is the year after I had my son- I wasn't getting my

It's both! Asian babies (including Indian) are on the smaller side because of their genes (similarly, Asians are categorised 'overweight' at a lower BMI than caucasians). But India also has an extremely high rate of maternal malnutrition. So it's not exactly great that they aren't having this 'problem'- it's a

I was about to agree with everything you said here... until you mentioned the Khal. Because he was the one character that I would have enjoyed even more if he had been naked at least once :-D

I can answer only for myself- yes!

Yeah I call bullshit on that study. What kind of exercising? Lifting something nice and heavy? Sit-ups? Push-ups? And besides, who came up with the idea that people's attractiveness needed to be compared while exercising?

Besides, studies of women's sexuality have been historically bullshit anyway, as women tended to

This is interesting to me... as a first-time parent to a mixed-race child I always assumed that children were clueless about this sort of thing until they hit preschool/school age. I never would have thought to mention any issues of colour or race to him. So when my then-not-quite-2yo asked "Mumma, why do you have

I don't know what I was doing wrong, but I used to use non-acetone polish remover; it smelled almost as bad and would take easily 4-5 times as long to remove the polish. Having my skin exposed to whatever chemicals were in that crap for that amount of time, any skin in contact with the stuff would dry up and flake off