
I'm totally with you on the "ITS NOT ABOUT YOU WHITE PEOPLE" sentiment, but can I just say that using "tone policing" as if it's a social justice issue is fucking bullshit? If you're being an asshole, I'm going to call you an asshole, and that's not some form of oppression. Your tone is something you control, and if

Ok then you tell me what I'm supposed to do. Because apparently my mere existence is the problem. I'm at a loss of how to fix that. I mean, I could just kill myself, but I think my parents and my husband would be pretty sad.

kill children

All right. Fair enough. I take back my comment directed at you. Just understand that when people say things like the original commenter, 99 percent of the time they aren't directing it toward an entire group. It's sometimes better to be the bigger person and have a conversation with the person. Because ultimately,

Don't do a damn thing. You owe no apologies for some shit you didn't do to someone who wants to flat out call you a racist because they're mad at all white people.

So if these "good liberal white people" are so concerned about racism, the police, the justice system et al., where is the outcry over the VRA and the numerous other incidents of black people getting unjustly killed? Its nowhere to be found.

You don't want to hear people's opinions without ONLY hearing one side? What are you doing on social media? I suggest you not read comments if you don't want to see them.

How exactly are you any better? You pretty much just decided that all white people are the worst and if that isn't racist as fuck, I don't know what is. If you somehow got to pick your skin color, let me know how you did it, because I certainly wasn't offered that choice. All I can do is treat everyone like a human

You understand how studies work, right?