
i miss the old jezebel

Because there’s a hurricane coming for half of us and the other half just really want some fun gossip this Thursday, thankyouverymuch.

Right? My dad loves her, and when I point out her many “flubs” (Santa being white and whatnot), he just digs his heels in more, causing some arguments between the two of us.

But every now and then, she does something awesome, which my father lords over me, as if a broken clock isn’t right twice per day.

I’m always reminded of this New Yorker Andy Borowitz headline whenever Megyn Kelly does anything reasonable. I do truly resent it.

...I hate not entirely hating Megyn Kelly.

Thank god. Sean Hannity is the real victim in this election, and now he has gotten some justice.

I’m just glad that someone finally called Sean Hannity.

Yeah, fuck you. She will get the amount of money that she lost from insurance but insurance doesn’t pay you for trauma. Don’t be a cunt.

Yeah, I’m kinda shocked Jezebel of all places would announce that she was afraid of being raped-well duh.

I can’t even believe people think she’s lying. Why the fuck would any body lie about this? Why the fuck would Kanye leave in the middle of his concert if shit didn’t go down? People’s hatred for this family is absurd. She’s not my favorite person in the world but no one deserves this and she legit could have been

Rant: I never thought I would say this considering its Kim K, but I don’t think this was faked for “attention whoring”. Say what you will about her but my gut tells me this isn’t the kind of shit she’d lie about fur attention. Robberies DO happen, and when you consider someone of her wealth this is a reality that has

Must be a day ending in Y.

How Peter King and a thousand hot-takers across the nation read this:

No one said they created it. People are saying they made it worse by exploiting a child. You seem to think only one group of people is capable of bad behavior at a time. That’s not how things work.

I grew up not far from East Liverpool in PA/WV. I’d argue that people in that area are keenly aware already of how devastating heroin is; it’s unavoidable that you’d realize these consequences if you live there. People are already talking about it. The only accompanying comments I’ve seen from folks sharing this photo

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

Kinja’d on the pic.

How about saving YOUR self-indulgent self-righteous indignation for someting more meaningful.

You're right....I totally remember Michael Phelps legendary coach.....what's his name again?

That's not what's happening here.