
I can’t wait for the Democrat debates. I think they’ve scheduled the first for November 5th, 2017?

Was 9/11 entertaining to you? Liberals were whining and moaning when the dumb as shit Bush was elected. I’m guessing you believe the country did come together and the political system was fixed after 9/11 because we got a decade of foreign wars and thousands of young Americans in coffins. Was the body count of the

I’m not even sure if his support *is* unequivocal. There are plenty of Jews (even in the Knesset) who support a two-state solution and who want more humane treatment of the Palestinians. It’s just unfair to single him out for his stance on it due to his religion. Jews get unsolicited questions about Israel *all* *the*

Well, before we get into that, your rhetoric is indistinguishable from the very DEFINITION of “concern trolling”, such that nobody here (myself included) would be able to tell if you were doing so or not. It does seem suspect that you would be as adamant against a notably left-leaning candidate for not being left

Dead serious. Symbolic gestures are important sometimes. And the whole “women are not a special interest group” wasn’t so much emphasizing the importance of women, as much as it was setting the stage for her to dismiss any kind of efforts made to benefit women as “special interest” pandering, which is easier for

Seriously. Who cares if Monsanto loses a few pennies while they bully farmers out of business. If it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. Give people what they want rather than one large, historically evil company. You can’t have it both ways.

Now I just feel sadder because in the modern Gee Oh Pee, there isn’t a solid consensus on whether slavery was 100% wrong. So what I’m saying is that even if Chris Christie knew that, there are a shitload of southerners who would argue that anti-slavery bona fides are a point against any historical figure.


Some of us think that the companies that own GMO seed patents have fucked up, life-destroying policies including suing farmers whose organic farms are compromised by GMO cross-pollination (by, you know, wind and insects) and forcing conventional growers to abandon sustainable practices (like seed saving) because of

... no.

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Government support of homeopathy and acupuncture can be justified. First, split the two apart, they are very different. Homeopathy is 49% scientific bullshit + 25%herbal knowledge + 25% bedside manner. Homeopaths see success because people finally feel like they are listened to. Combine that with mindfullness training

I don’t necessarily read the statements as an indictment of women as, “fragile emotional simpletons “, but at the time the psychosomatic study of oncology was seeking numerous cancer risk factors. Stress and mental duress are known complicators of health in many ways.

And not to drag a men vs women thing in here, but

You know that ignorance is a temporary state, right? Is there no concept of redemption for you? Considering that the quoted pieces reflect institutional race and sexism rather than personal biases. We live in hetero-normative patriarchal white supremist culture. Our tools reflect that.

LOL, yeah, and you’re the fucking nutbag with some kind of oppositional-defiant complex.

Carly Fiorina’s answer was the WORST. “Women are not a special interest group?” She’s positioning herself to oppose ANY laws that would help women as catering to “special interests.” Putting women on money is nothing but a symbolic gesture, sure, but sometimes symbolic gestures are fucking important demonstrations of

In true republican form, women only exist if they are some how related to them. Otherwise, a ‘woman’ is a thing that needs to be controlled and belittled.

I think the ones who answered with “my mom” or “my wife” couldn’t actually think of any notable women in history.

He kept us safe if you ignore that the most deadly terrorist attack on American soil happened on his watch.

Jeb constantly talking about how his brother “kept us safe” while simultaneously not mentioning that time his brother failed to “keep us safe” was the most infuriating thing of the night. Bah.