
It’s even more dire in the book.

As a person who has been on both the delivering and the receiving end of “Are you taking your meds?” I can report from my experience it is only ever said to give the person saying it the upper hand in the arguement.

The Oscars is the hallmark event of an industry that makes more that 30 billion dollars a year. This isn’t about an awards show, it is about opportunity. There is very little difference between “Just be happy you are free” and “Just be happy you are working”. They both come from the same white supremacy. It is

Oh, should we ask the New Orleans police about the 1700 rape cases they never took any action on? Or the 11000 rape kits private citizens just paid to have tested because the police were dragging their feet? I don’t think, given so many examples to the contrary, that I really have much interest in the polices’ opinion

No, what makes the majority of LEO evil is their unwillingness to do anything to address the few who commit atrocities. If more police officers were calling for legal reforms, advocating for the firing of bad cops, and publicly standing in defense of all people, rather than tacitly supporting their brothers in blue, I

I was responding to your post “Will Smith wasn’t in contention for an award. And they are boycotting because he got snubbed.”

The boycott is about lack of represenration in the noms, but the eagerness for the Academy to trot out minority actors to hand out the awards.


So the guy who didn’t know how to order eggs must have been in 2014. Still my favorite. See you at Wonkette, Pinkham.

You could read Michael K. will fill that soup void.

However, the flood was proffessionally produced.

I suspect that is a pod for moving touring equipment and she is on the road.

I think road head is the product of a by-gone era of automobiles with bench seats and lots of space between the driver and the wheel.

I’m not really even sure what the “controversy” is here. “Bernie Sanders talked about kinky stuff in a abstract pop-sociology essay 40+ years ago”?

Journalism fundamental: If you, the reporter, have established that there are two individuals in conflict (Diaz and Stringer) and suddenly a third person’s expert knowledge is being cited, please tell your readers why this third person is being cited as an expert. You never tell us who John McKay is, which is

Too Many Cooks lost hold of its narrative thread pretty quickly. It went from a “cute” gag about too many candidates into a video montage of random political people. What was the point again?

My sister was sleeping once, and was awaken by little feet running across her face and just as she was thinking “what was that?” her 20 lbs cat ran across her face, scratching her cheek and nose. Apparently he was chasing a mouse, and their Tom and Jerry shenanigans needed to include her.

That's the dream, baby!

I thought Ryan Gosling was hot until I started watching him act. Boy, he is overrated.