
Very smart move, NBC!

That is terrible. I can’t remember my parents ever really commenting on the things we asked for other than the usual “we aren’t made of money, kids these days” kind of comments. They bought us dolls with different skin tones/ ethnicity when we wanted them, never said a word about us dressing our brothers up as girls

God, my allergies...

Dear Julian’s Parents,

I work in the toy department at a small family run retail store and you have no idea how often I hear parents tell there daughters that they need to get they girl version of a toy. I heard a father tell his daughter that he should get a Rosie train instead of one of the many other boy Thomas trains that she wanted to

Yep. I regret telling our families we were having a girl. After I pleaded with everyone to not go out and buy everything pink they can find they made fun of my request like it was something so ridiculous. Girls NEED pink or else how will anyone know my baby is a girl?!?!?

It really makes me angry how gendered everything is for children. Why are the only options pink and blue for so many things? Is it really necessary for a birthday hat or a tricycle to match the child’s genitalia? It’s part of the reason that when I have a kid someday, I won’t tell anyone the sex before I give birth.

It would be a smart move to price men’s items higher. After all, there’s no way in hell 99% of men would buy the cheaper women's version. You have a captive consumer right there.

I mean, lady coffins HAVE to be more expensive. Our curvy Boobs n’ Things means we need more wood than men do. Plus, EVERYONE knows that when ladies die, our spirits are forced to walk the earth forever, nagging men and screeching into the ether. And that obviously means our graves require regular salting and

You must not know anything about buying sunscreen, razors, generic brand underpants, children’s clothes, bedding, umbrellas, and more(!) for a family. If you’ve managed to avoid advertising all of your life, too, I’d be interested to know where is the rock that you live under.

I’d ask you to explain it to us, but I doubt our lady brains could handle it.

Like, she won her fucking medal beating out most of her peers—all of whom are better than her fucking husband. The notion that being a man would somehow confer upon him superior trap shooting / gun “handling*” skills is just... well, explains why this post was written, actually.

The fact that you can handle a gun better than your husband is awesome.

Seriously?! Not just all of this ridiculousness, but you DIDN’T GO WITH YOUR WIFE WHEN SHE WAS COMPETING IN THE OLYMPICS?!?! How many Superbowls did you make her sit through? She literally competes one week every four years. WTF?

It’s like when brilliant scientists die and their obits are just, “Beloved loyal wife and doting mother of two...” or some fucking bullshit.

If anything Mitch should be described as Corey’s husband, since the Bears don’t do anything worthwhile these days.

Oh, we know who fired the shots.

Money and PTSD. My twins spent months in the NICU, one with multiple birth defects, and now, almost 5 years later, we are still struggling to pay all of the medical bills. I know I have triggers the take me right back to almost losing them, but I've been able to seek help and have a great support system in dealing

Cycling some 120km before that accident, and some 15km of constant deep uphill just before this crash happened might also be a factor. Nobody will be on their sharpest after that.

So, you opened this article.... why?