
Does this mean Comixology is moving away from the panel by panel format? That in itself may have me moving over to digital. I don't collect anymore, I only buy them to read them so the physical copies stack up quick without my pre-fiancee comic dungeon space available and end up in the trash or on ebay.

Well done, sir.

I spent a few hours yesterday messing around with the Airplay Mirroring on the Apple TV. I watched at least an hour and a half of not cartoons (Come on, I'm an adult) and I had no issues whatsoever. I'm going to pull up a yule log and leave it on all day and see if that does the trick.

An excellent plan. I think I will test it several times.

I just watched a redtailed hawk eating a seagull out my window at work. I'm going to call it a draw.

Huh. I never thought of it that way, but you are correct I certainly am more cautious when pouring from a bottle.

It's more pronounced with Youngs than it is with Guinness. Youngs is a completely different beer altogether from a bottle. It tastes almost identical to the tap from the can. The device in question is in fact in the can and not the bottle for them. It rattles like mad when you open the can as opposed to the Guinness

You are correct sir. Guinness or any stout for that matter is far better in the can. Pouring it is necessary though. Read the instructions on the can, haters!

Also this for when you want Guinness, but also chocolate. Must be the cans though, stout in a bottle is crap.

Don't forget to get another one of those little subs and put it in the opposite corner of the room. You don't want any null bass zones in your room do you?

That's how I read stuff from Jon Ive. They both have that vacant stare like they don't quite exist on the same plane as you and I.

Same here. I am dissapoint. I set it up for local pickup and it went out overnight on the 10th so I know they have it. Now I just need to convince the dude at the counter to give it up early.

Yes, this exactly. I ordered the iPhone 4 online for launch. After a bit of repetitive clicking it went through, and came 3 days early! I understand the concept of waiting in line for a long time for something you really want, but do we need to do it for things that are readily available on the interwebs?

Design something, it's not that hard. Just sit around thinking of something. You know like pants with a pillow built in or summat.

The question I would ask though is how many of these discoveries were birthed in tech or discoveries that came from the space program? I think the point is that striving for what we deem impossible drives innovation. I was interested in science because of the space shuttles as a kid as I'm sure many of us were. That


What the heck kind of cat is Canyon? Is it a Lynx or something? It's real small so I should own it.

S'not a shrimp. It's a large. Also, it makes horror happen in my stomach parts. I wouldn't be able to eat that out of it's shell.