
@Nitesh: I think it's a little too soon for this one. If his proposals pan out, he may end up on the list. But you know how it is with politicians and promises in speeches...

I'll say up front I'm an iPhone user, but I am by no means an Apple fanboy. I think the physical body of the current iPhone is exactly the right size. I've got friends at work who have some of the larger Android phones and it just sort of looks ridiculous. If I wanted to talk into a TI-85 I would. Solid points about

We can arm pilots to catch the lasers! Hooray anti-laser!

Oh mad are so great. Although the more I do this mad lib, the worse I make it sound...

I'm totally with you on the choice aspect don't like it, don't eat it. However, because so many people do choose Mcds, the marketplace asa whole gets shaped by them as a result of their high demand on the meat and produce market. The poor business practices they encourage in order to get lower prices from growers

Yeah but if we're sticking to move continuity he should have the same accent Patrick Stewart had.

Does a third smaller necessarily mean a third shorter? If it's simply a third smaller mass wise it could simply be substantially thinner with a diminished edge.

It looks like the flying prime is a combined thing. If you look he only has it until he lands and then spins and then the part with the jet turbines are gone. I wouldn't be surprised to see that be a separate autobot entirely.

No Ben Reilly! Please comic movie gods, I beg you!

Some NSFW language....

I've had Rhapsody for a few years primarily becuase of it's extensive library and Sonos compatibility. I've never had any complaints with it in my browser (IE, Firefox, and Chrome) or on my iPhone. It also has some Rhapsody exclusive tracks that can be pretty great. However, Sonos just added Rdio and if it has a

@N@tedog: That's where I was at. The local overpriced grocery store with a huge organic offering doesn't differentitate in the auto-checkout. It's not that I should ringing up organic bananas as regular bananas I just can't help it!

@PyroCatheter: Absolutely loved this game. Waaaay better than the Super Mario Galaxy titles, though they were more than playable. This game felt like 2D Mario plus acid flashbacks!

What the? Is that Spiderman?

@dewy987: Chuck is the best example of this. Chuck was directly tied to selling Subway subs. They stayed on air.

@Oroka: Agree. Hopefully we'll start to see this change though. They moved Fringe to the Friday death spot and the ratings went up. Networks are starting to understand the DVR set and hopefully it will allow shows like this to stay on.

@havingsaidthat: Seriously. What candy loving American would put Werther's Originals in a vending machine?

NPR did a great piece on Ron McNair one of the lesser talked about members of the crew. 25 years later and some of this stuff is still hard to hear...