
@38thsignal: It's all a matter of perspective isn't it?

@thefanboy: The problem here isn't the dose, it's where it's going. I think Giz had this a few weeks back. Basically it is a small dose, but it's concentrated all in one area, namely your skin. Which is a bad thing if you like your skin.

@Mike Rutter: I much prefer Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard. But hey, that's just me.

@Dancing Milkcarton: What program did you use? I still have some old iTunes yuck backed up on an external drive that I can't stream.

@Dancing Milkcarton: To get around the old DRM you can burn to CD and then re-rip it. It's not ideal, but it's at least a workaround.

Great Shirt from Etsy on the above referenced Simpsons episode.

@Squirrelbot3000: ...and it's from the Movie too! The movie was the best episode of the MST3K series.

Has anyone tested this in comparison to the Sonos system? I love my Sonos, but expansion is costly...

Thanks a lot! This was seriously one of the highest quality bags of laughing that my brain parts ingested today.

@Aaron Poehler: It's not fiscally responsibe to shoot there. The tax breaks on OA aren't what they used to be since the Guardians were revived. Those greedy blue bastards.

@Paradise: I'm going with my home state of New Hampshire. Becuase it's always New Hampshire when it's something embarassing...

@snark_attack: But they're shaped like a shell, that makes them better!Seriously they're awesome speakers and much prettier than the similarly expensive Wilson Audio gear, seen here compared to a Cylon.(?)

@Ian Logsdon: Gah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

@fznmomin: My understanding is that you get a star if you are a useful part of the overall Giz conversation. It's not rocket surgery, just be useful.

@8x10: God would I love to see Battreries Not Included happen. I just watched that recently and it was as good if not better than when I watched it over and over again as a kid. Good call!