
If I had seen a stunt reproducing that "Physics Is A Lie" video in a Mission Impossible movie, I'd probably have walked out of the theater complaining that they'd crossed the bounds of plausibility in to absurdity.

I just bought a Sonicare FlexCare Platinum, and even after a few days my teeth feel cleaner than they were using a low-cost Oral-B CrossAction power toothbrush.

I can even already see that they look slightly cleaner, and the stains between my teeth (I drink quite a bit of tea and coffee) are retreating.

I just bought a Sonicare FlexCare Platinum, and even after a few days my teeth feel cleaner than they were using a

I was excited to get one of these when they first came out as it's one of the few phone mounts that will work in my Lotus.

I was excited to get one of these when they first came out as it's one of the few phone mounts that will work in my

Oh, no! How will this make sufficient noise to draw attention to riders who feel they weren't given enough attention by their mothers when they were children?

The typical US driver commutes between 32 and 50 miles each day, or in other words makes two drives of between 16 and 25 miles each day.

The IUPAC decided on aluminium as the official spelling. Although at the same meeting they chose the US spelling of sulfur (vs. sulphur).

The story I heard is that Americans use the spelling aluminum because the head of Reynolds Corp couldn't say aluminium properly, so they dumbed it down.

But, yes. Things are not about

San Francisco as a whole may have been destroyed just 15 times, but the Golden Gate Bridge gets destroyed about once a year.

Who says that the single-child policy has led to China becoming a nation of spoiled brats?

Battery technology has not been evolving very fast. As the graph below illustrates. Hopefully nanotechnology will change that.

It's just a pity that petroleum does not come from dinosaurs.

There's a Model S in every parking lot here in the Bay Area. Actually there are two in my company's parking lot.

I hope someone starts producing copies in Western sizes.

What I don't get is why doctors get such a high social status in the US.

Clearly you never played Fallout 3 and shot up an abandoned nuclear-powered car.

I couldn't find the swimming pool.

I've seen a couple on the 101-S around Mountain View.

The tail-less delta wing was not "unprecidented". Alexander Lippisch in Germany built and flew tail-less delta wings in the early '30s.

You know, on reflection, this all sounds like a repeat of the "CDs are not as good as vinyl because they lack warmth" type arguments from the mid-80s.

Haha! I like what you did there!

Well as a Brit who moved to the US in '98, I can say that I don't think I'd ever seen a pretzel in the UK by the time I left. I can tell you that by the time Tolkien died in '73 pretzels had definitely not been "embraced" in the UK.