He should have been arrested long ago for CPU processing power theft!
He should have been arrested long ago for CPU processing power theft!
97% of climate scientists active in the field say that anthropogenic climate change is real. That's about as close of a consensus as you ever get in science. So cut your "teach the controversy" one-way-or-another-data foolishness.
Go away and read "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions".
The key phrase in your post is, "as far as I'm concerned".
You're missing the point. The cost from the effects of climate change will be far higher than the cost of doing something about it.
This is ridiculous. NFMR has been developed by other companies and clearly has application to anything that is battery powered, or can benefit from cutting the cord.
The study was based on fMRI scans, not on empirical evidence.
How did I judge the entire American population? I said "so many Americans". So many could be 100,000 out of 320 million!
Mould in the correct spelling in the UK.
The size of a country's population is irrelevant because someone's personal network doesn't include everybody within those borders and no one beyond.
John-117 anybody?
You started off with the names of the Beetles, but left off Ringo!
A wacky name doesn't make someone original or a leader. Perhaps that's where the error in thinking lies.
Maybe having the same name as others is a good lesson in "you are not the center of the Universe"?
Yes, I should have said American's and UK celebrity chavs.
This is sad. How are we going to piss off the "every sperm is sacred" crowd now?
The US isn't the only English-speaking country, you know.
As a Brit I have to ask, why do so many Americans feel the need to use made up and bizarre names for their kids?
I would only consider naming my baby after photographic equipment.
Which raw converted did you use? The XE-1 uses Fujifilm's unique color filter array design. From what I've read, the third-party raw converters do not to a good job at converting this non-Bayer pattern.