
The Blue Arrows are pretty much unknown outside of the US. Here they are extremely well known of course, but then the US in a very inward looking country so it's not possible to make global extrapolations of how familiar things are based on the impression you get inside the USA.

I would say it looks more like some of the old British motorbikes like the Enfield.

I don't think you should have Mountain Lion if you can't even handle Felis Domesticus! ;)

The truth is the paper industry, in particular Brazilian illegal logging gangs forced them to withdraw from the market.

Why do you suspect that? Is that because of brand loyalty, or do you have some specific information to share with the world?

This is something I've wanted for a while.

Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) using skin from the forehead in this manner dates back to 800BC in India. It was developed because cutting someone's nose off was a common form of punishment for adultery!

Once Amazon launches its Kindle 3D Printer we'll be able to enjoy same hour delivery!

Why do you need to play Tiny Wings while flying a plane? ;)

Maybe it's the Soccer Mom in an SUV boson?

Apple have a poor environmental history, but for some reason customer perception is that they are a green company.

When they said they were 99.9999% certain, that was that they had found _a_ "new" boson.

Until now I'd never heard of them, but then I'm from the UK originally (and have lived in the US for 13 years).

He seems nervous before the jump. I can't see why. After all, what's the worst that could happen?

Like what? Elastic bands?

I could have done with that in my last apartment, where the living room ceiling was really high.

What about the front facing camera? What did you think of that?

Very impressive. Even in its current incarnation, this could have interesting creative possibilities is the hands of the right artists.

Why does it have to have that ugly "olde worlde" design. Look at this fan while reading yesterday's piece on how the Microsoft Surface meets the design principles of Dieter Rams.

I'd be more impressed if it used the laser to actually cut the meat (magically somehow without searing it)!