Little Green Frog

I live in downtown Atlanta and I’m part of the (very) local government system through which a land use project gets approval from the city. The liquor license approval process goes through this system, as well. The Escobar tapas lounge was a HUGE FIGHT from the get-go, as the operators were being super unclear about

I am a clinic escort volunteer coordinator at my local indie abortion clinic. Our local CPCs raised 325k to buy one of these stork buses. Every day that we are open, they park in the empty lot across the street (that they lease and have forbidden us from stepping foot on). The regular antis that troll our sidewalks

sorry prachi! i was trying to be parodic, but that might not be where the country is right now - lunacy is the new norm.

She then lists an alarming number of fake “emotional effects:” depression, regret, being triggered around the date of the abortion (something she called the “anniversary effect”), and that some women will be unable to go to baby showers for the rest of their lives.

WTF is a “Father John Misty?”

This article is what happens when Trump doesn’t tweet for 24 hours. Sad!

Good stuff:

I know 13 year old boys. They’re still kids. Their bodies are bigger but they’re still kids in their minds. I noticed he didn’t talk about girls just boys. Frankly way to play into that fear homophobes have about gays targeting their children.

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

As a parent, I have been present for meetings with my child and speech therapists, psychologists, and Drs. I watched my daughters when they went to ice-skating, gymnastics, swimming, whatever classes. When I was a Brownie leader, there was a 2 leader minimum, a required adult-to-child ratio, and mandatory criminal

That’s a horrible situation. Most of the people in authority are treating you like crap to get you to starve yourself and overwork your body....and the only ones who are nice to you have ulterior motives. And your parents are paying big bucks for this.

Because impeachment can only be initiated by the House and no matter what Republicans are never going do a thing because it would hurt the party. It would be poor optics leading into the next midterm and they would lose their newly emboldened white supremacist base.

Hes not getting impeached. His presence allows the GOP to ramrod through their own policies and then to conveniently blame 45 when it doesn’t work in order to retain power. Unlike Democrats and third party whahoos, the GOP know how to get in line and compromise.

To be LOVED, not merely liked. He needs to be loved.

I have a good friend who is a member of Mar-a-Lago. I can confirm all of this. The access being granted to these men and women is absolutely, completely unprecedented.

Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.

It kills me that Larry lost his show and Bill will probably have his until he dies or retries. Television viewers have no taste.

The thing about Bill Maher that’s always killed me is how pissy he gets when the audience doesn’t laugh at his jokes. He always lashes out and accuses them of being too PC and liberal, but Louis CK and South Park are proof positive that liberals are more than happy to laugh at an off color joke so long as it’s

Well, at least Larry Wilmore was there to (verbally) smack him around like the bitch he is.....